
June 27, 2002

Mossad chief: Israel must foil regional nuclear arms
By Amir Oren, Ha'aretz Correspondent 
Israel cannot spare any effort to foil, prevent or
delay the attainment of weapons of mass destruction by
countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lybia, the head
of Israel's Mossad said yesterday. 

Speaking to a meeting of NATO's North Atlantic Council
in Brussels yesterday, Mossad director, Ephraim
Halevy, warned that radical Islamic terrorism as a
whole, and suicide attacks in particular, pose a
"formidable threat" to NATO member states whose
"Muslim communities are 
rapidly developing and increasing in numbers and

Halevy took the opportunity to harshly criticize
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, who he
says signs "an agreement with a view to violating it
the moment circumstances would permit." The
Palestinian leader is also maintaining his
"traditional link" with Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein, said Halevy. 

The head of Israel's secret intelligence agency urges
"appropriate behavior" be a condition for any entity
aspiring for nationhood and sovereignity. 

The meeting took place behind closed doors, and lasted
for some three hours, beyond the time originally
allocated. U.S. Ambassador to NATO, Nicholas Burns
quoted from President George W. Bush's speech from
Monday, reiterating American support for Israel's
right to defend itself, and speaking of the U.S.
Administration's duty to its ally. 

The European ambassadors also spoke with sympathy for
the Israeli victims of terror and demonstrated
understanding for Israel's operation against
terrorism, though they also spoke of the need for a
political horizon. 

Participants at the meeting said it was an important
opportunity for Israel to present its position, to
convince foreign governments of the pressing need for
global cooperation in the fight against terror, as
well as fathoming European opinions. 

The most senior participant at the meeting was NATO's
secretary-general, Lord George Robertson, with
chairman of the military committee, Italian Admiral
Guido Venturoni, also in attendance. Israel's
contingent was headed by its envoy to NATO and
European Union bodies, Harry Kney-Tal. After Halevy's
presentation, Brigadier General Eival Gilady of the
General Staff's planning branch presented the military
aspects to battling terrorism. 

Yesterday's meeting was part of NATO's annual round of
political consultations with seven Mediterranean and
North African countries, with this year's talks
focusing on terrorism. 

Halevy told the council that Mossad believes, despite
the denials of the Iranian defense minister, that Iran
is investing heavily in developing long-range
missiles, with a range even beyond that of its
Shihab-3, which is believed to have a range of 3,000
kilometers. He said Iran is researching and developing
"missiles with longer ranges, which could reach Europe
and in the future, even North America." He said he had
"no reason to offer for this entry into such
long-range development," nor did he know who and what
the potential targets would be. 

In addition, said Halevy, Iran is developing
"weapon-grade nuclear capabilities," though he quickly
added, "for obvious reasons, I will not detail our
information on this sensitive issue." Halevy pointed
out that this activity coupled with Iran's investment
in delivery systems "should be a subject of constant
attention of everyone of us in this hall." 

Iran's adherence to the Chemical Weapons Convention
(CWC), Halevy believes, is nothing more than "a cover
for the construction of a dual purpose civilian
infrastructure which could be converted very speedily
into production capabilities of large quantities of VX
[gas]." In 
addition, Tehran is also carrying out research and
development on biological warfare, according to the
Mossad chief. 

As to the dangers posed by Saddam Hussein, Halevy said
one must assume Iraq had been trying to acquire
nuclear capabilities ever since the United Nations'
monitoring team was expeled in 1998. "As you know, on
the eve of the Gulf War, Iraq was on the verge of
obtaining nuclear 
capability. They were months away from producing
fissile material," he told the officials. 

"We have clear indications that this has been and is
their unswerving desire ... We have partial evidence
that they have renewed their production of VX and
possibly Anthrax. As to delivery systems, we have
sufficient evidence to affirm that they are sparing no
effort to preserve their residuary capabilities and to
augment them with new ones." 

Turning his attentions to Syria, Halevy said Israel
had been "following [their] acquisition and subsequent
production of North Korean type Scud B, C and D
missiles." He added most of the warheads are
conventional, but "the Syrians also have B and C
capabilities with relevance to surface-to-surface
missiles." In addition, the Syrians have also produced
Sarin (GB) nerve agents and are studying manufacturing
VX nerve agents. 

Halevy urged those present to keep a close eye on
Libya, "which is developing long-range missiles with
North Korean support," reminding them also that "Libya
has often been mentioned as a country striving to
achieve nuclear capability." 

A significant part of Halevy's lecture was devoted to
terrorism. Suicide attacks, that had once been "a
marginal phenomenon characterizing the approach of a
small extreme segment of society," is, according to
the Mossad chief, "rapidly evolving into a
quasi-legitimate form of 
combat, encouraged and abetted at leadership level in
the Palestinian camp." The attacks on New York,
Washington and Jerusalem are all "the fulfillment of a
modus operandi motivated not only by its professional
utility, but no less by its ideological and religious

"The more these act become prevalent," he warned, "the
more the chance this will become a potent and
prioritized weapon in future confrontations." Halevy
then called for "terrorism as a whole and suicide
bombings in particular" to be recognized as a "form of
war" which must be 
outlawed and prohibited by international law. All
those involved in such activities, or those who
condoned them, "must be placed outside the pale of
justice." Halevy said he hoped "the days of rogue
states and authorities acting as masters, not only of
their own destiny, but 
also of yours and ours, must be numbered." 

The Palestinian Authority was place alongside Syria,
Iran and Iraq on his list of "host countries" which
facilitate terrorist and suicide bombings. Halevy told
the council how "Arafat has placed the theme of the
suicide bomber - the martyr - the shaheed - at the top
of his priorities." The reforms promised by the
Palestinian leader are nothing more than "swift window
dressing moves." 

He also warned of Iran's increasing support for
terrorism, and its growing influence over the PA, with
the Karine A arms ship affair serving as a prominent

In closing, Halevy said terrorism and suicide bombings
can only be practiced if "there is a safe haven for
training, planning and the procurement of weaponry."
He said states and individual leaders have
responsibility for what goes on in areas under their
control. "Ultimately," said Halevy, "the international
community will have no option but to force them to be
accountable. Otherwise, the whole international system
of nation-states exercising their sovereignty over
land and people will be in jeopardy."

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