
Fwd: US vs. World at the UN: Kick the USA out!

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Topic:  The United States versus the World at the United
                        Nations : Kick the USA out!

Author: Fisk

posted June 28, 2002 09:28 PM (EST)
The United States versus the World at the United Nations

America, we have all been taught for half a century, is the
leader of "The Free World". If this is so, it's proper to
ask: Where are the followers? Where is the evidence that
Washington's world view sways the multitude of nations?

To enlist support for its wars in Korea, Vietnam and the
Persian Gulf, the United States had to resort to bribery and

At the United Nations, the US has, with noteworthy regula-
rity, been on the minority side in voting on resolutions. The
table below shows a portion of this pattern. It covers an ar-
bitrarily chosen 10-year period, 1978 through 1987, and is
composed of the following sections:

1978-1981: All voting in the General Assembly examined;
only those resolutions for which the US cast a solitary "no"
vote or were joined by one or two other nations are listed.

1982-1983: All voting in the General Assembly examined; only
those resolutions for which the US cast a solitary "no" vote
are listed.

1984-1987: Only a portion of the General Assembly resolutions
are examined, and a sample has been selected, primarily for

        [Note: Naturally enough, the question of the voting
        of the then existing likewise important pillar of
        international reaction, the social-imperialist
        Soviet Union (up until 1991), in general (with one
        exception) is not dealt with in this compliation, by
        the writer Wiliam Blum. - RM, June 2002]

The number of abstentions is not shown. There were many reso-
lutions where Israel cast a solitary "no" vote and the US was
the sole abstainer. Voting on resolutions of the Security
Council and the Economic and Social Council are not included
here, but these votes show a very similar pattern. In the
Council -- where its solitary "no" vote is enough to defeat a
measure -- the United States is free to play its role of in-
ternational school bully.

We were all also taught that the Communists had no respect
for world opinion.

"... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind ..."
The Declaration of Independence

Date/ Resolution Yes-No vote
Issue Number

Dec. 15 33/75 119-2 (US, Israel)
Urges the Security Council, especially its permanent members,
to take all necessary measures for insuring UN decisions on
the maintenance of international peace and security.

Dec. 18 33/110 110-2 (US, Israel)
Living conditions of the Palestinian people

Dec. 18 33/113C 97-3 (US, Israel, Guatemala)
Condemnation of Israeli human rights record in occupied

Dec. 19 33/136 119-1 (US)
Calls upon developed countries to increase quantity and
quality of development assistance to underdeveloped

Jan. 24 33/183M 114-3 (US, France, UK)
To end all military and nuclear collaboration with apartheid
South Africa

Jan. 29 33/196 111-1 (US)
Protectionism of developing countries' exports

Nov. 23 34/46 136-1 (US)
Alternate approaches within the UN system for improving the
enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Nov. 23 34/52E 121-3 (US, Israel, Australia)
Return of inhabitants expelled by Israel.

Dec. 11 34/83J 120-3 (US, UK, France)
Negotiations on disarmament and cessation of nuclear arms

Dec. 12 34/90A 111-2 (US, Israel)
Demand that Israel desist from certain human rights viola-

Dec. 12 34/93D 132-3 (US, UK, France)
Strengthening arms embargo against South Africa

Dec. 12 34/93I 134-3 (US, UK, France)
Assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their
liberation movement.

Dec. 14 34/100 104-2 (US, Israel)
Against support for intervention in the internal or external
affairs of States.

Dec. 14 34/113 120-2 (US, Israel)
Request for report on the living conditions of Palestinians
in occupied Arab countries.

Dec. 14 34/133 112-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Assistance to Palestinian people.

Dec. 14 34/136 118-2 (US, Israel)
Sovereignty over national resources in occupied Arab terri-

Dec. 17 34/158 121-2 (US, Israel)
Prepare and carry out the UN Conference on Women

Dec. 17 34/160 122-2 (US, Israel)
Include Palestinian women in agenda of UN Conference on Women

Dec. 19 34/199 112-1 (US)
Safeguarding rights of developing countries in multinational
trade negotiations

Nov. 3 35/13E 96-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Requests Israel to return displace persons.

Dec. 5 35/57 134-1 (US)
Establishment of a New International Economic Order to pro-
mote the growth of underdeveloped countries and international
economic co-operation.

Dec. 5 35/75 118-2 (US, Israel)
Condemns Israeli policy re the living conditions of Palesti-
nian people.

Dec. 11 35/119 134-3 (US, UK, France)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Inde-
pendence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

Dec. 11 35/122C 118-2 (US, Israel)
Israeli human rights practices in occupied territories.
[Same day, similar resolutions, 35/122E -- 119-2 vote, and
35/122F -- 117-2]

Dec. 11 35/136 132-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Endorse Program of Action for Second Half of UN Decade for

Dec. 12 35/145A 111-2 (US, UK)
Cessation of all nuclear test explosions

Dec. 12 35/154 110-2 (US, Albania)
Declaration of non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear

Dec. 15 35/169C 120-3 (US, Israel, Australia)
Rights of Palestinians

Dec. 15 35/174 120-1 (US)
Emphasising that the development of nations and individuals
is a human right.

Dec. 16 35/206J 137-3 (US, UK, France)
Assistance to oppressed people of South Africa and their
national liberation movement.

Oct. 28 36/12 145-1 (US)
Anti-racism; condemns apartheid in South Africa and Namibia

Oct. 28 36/13 124-1 (US)
Condemns collaboration of certain States and transnational
corporations with the South African regime

Oct. 28 36/15 114-2 (US, Israel)
Demand that Israel cease excavations of certain sites in
E. Jerusalem

Nov. 9 36/18 123-1 (US)
To promote co-operative movements in developing countries
(agricultural, savings and credits, housing, consumer pro-
tection, social services, etc.)

Nov. 9 36/19 126-1 (US)
The right of every state to choose its economic and social
system in accord with the will of its people, without out-
side interference in whatever form it takes

Nov. 13 36/27 109-2 (US, Israel)
Condemns Israel for its bombing of an Iraqi nuclear instal-

Dec. 1 36/68 133-3 (US, UK, Guatemala)
Condemns activities of foreign economic interests in colonial

Dec. 4 36/73 109-2 (US, Israel)
Condemns Israeli policy re living conditions of the Palesti-
nian people

Dec. 9 36/84 118-2 (US, UK)
Cessation of all test explosions of nuclear weapons

Dec. 9 36/87B 107-2 (US, Israel)
Establishment of a nuclear-weapon free zone in the Middle

Dec. 9 36/92J 78-3 (US, Canada, Brazil)
World-wide action for collecting signatures in support of
measures to prevent nuclear war, curb the arms race and
promote disarmament

Dec. 9 36/96B 109-1 (US)
Urges negotiations on prohibition of chemical and biological

Dec. 9 36/98 101-2 (US, Israel)
Demands Israelis renounce possession of nuclear weapons

Dec. 10 36/120A 121-2 (US, Israel)
Rights of the Palestinian people

Dec. 10 36/120B 119-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Palestinian rights

Dec. 10 36/120E 139-2 (US, Israel)
Status of Jerusalem

Dec. 14 36/133 135-1 (US)
Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourish-
ment, national development, etc. are human rights

Dec. 16 36/146A 141-2 (US, Israel)
Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip

Dec. 16 36/146B 121-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Rights of displaced Palestinians to return to their homes

Dec. 16 36/146C 117-2 (US, Israel)
Revenues derived from Palestinian refugees' properties

Dec.16 36/146G 119-2(US, Israel)
Establishment of University of Jerusalem for
Palestinian refugees

Dec. 16 36/147C 111-2 (US,Israel)
Israeli violations of human rights in occupied

Dec. 16 36/147F 114-2 (US,Israel)
Condemns Israeli closing of universities in
occupied territories

Dec. 16 36/149B 147-2 (US,Israel)
Calls for the establishment of a new and more
just world information and communications order

Dec. 16 36/150 139-2 (US,Israel)
Opposes Israel's decision to build a canal
linking the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea

Dec. 17 36/172C 136-1 (US)
Condemns aggression by South Africa against
Angola and other African states.

Dec. 17 36/172H 129-2 (US, UK)
To organize an international conference of
trade unions on sanctions against South Africa

Dec. 17 36/172L 126-2 (US, UK)
To encourage various international actions
against South Africa

Dec. 17 36/172N 139-1(US)
Support of sanctions and other measures against
South Africa

Dec. 17 36/172O 138-1 (US)
Cessation of further foreign investments and
loans for South Africa

Dec. 17 36/173 115-2 (US,Israel)
Permanent sovereignty over national resources
in occupied Palestine and other Arab territories

Dec. 17 36/226B 121-2 (US,Israel)
Non-applicability of Israeli law over the
Golan Heights

Dec. 18 36/234B 127-1 (US)
UN accounting changes for 1980-1

1982 [only solitary US votes]
Oct. 28 37/7 111-1
World Charter for protection of the ecology

Nov. 15 37/11 136-1
Setting up UN conference on succession of states
in respect to state property, archives, and debts

Dec. 3 37/47 124-1
Appeal for universal ratification of the convention
on the suppression and punishment of apartheid

Dec. 9 37/69E 141-1
Promoting international mobilization against apartheid

Dec. 9 37/69G 138-1
Drafting of international convention against
apartheid in sports

Dec. 9 37/69H 134-1
Cessation of further foreign investments and
loans for South Africa

Dec. 9 37/73 111-1
Need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty

Dec. 9 37/78A 114-1
Request to US and USSR to transmit a status report
on their nuclear arms negotiations [USSR abstained]

Dec. 9 37/83 138-1
Prevention of arms race in outer space

Dec. 10 37/94B 131-1
Support of UNESCO's efforts to promote a new
world information and communications order

Dec. 13 37/98A 95-1
Necessity of a convention on the prohibition
of chemical and bacteriological weapons

Dec. 16 37/103 113-1
Development of the principles and norms of
international law relating to the new economic order

Dec. 17 37/131 129-1
Measures concerning the UN Joint Staff Pension Board,
including prevention of exclusion of certain UN employees

Dec. 17 37/137 146-1
Protection against products harmful to health
and the environment

Dec. 18 37/199 131-1
Declares that education, work, health care,
proper nourishment, national development, etc.
are human rights

Dec. 20 37/204 141-1
Motion for a review of the implementation of the
Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States

Dec. 21 37/237/XI 132-1
Adequacy of the conference facilities of the
Economic Commission for Africa at Addis Ababa

Dec. 21 37/251 146-1
Development of the energy resources of
developing countries

Dec. 21 37/252 124-1
Restructuring international economic relations
toward establishing a new international economic order

Nov. 22 38/19 110-1
International Convention on the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid

Nov. 22 38/25 131-1
The right of every state to choose its economic and
social system in accord with the will of its people,
without outside interference in whatever form it takes

Dec. 5 38/39E 149-1
Disseminating material and organizing
conferences in the campaign against apartheid

Dec. 5 38/39I 140-1
Urges the Security Council to consider sanctions
against South Africa as a protest against apartheid

Dec. 5 38/39K 145-1
Authorizes the International Convention against
Apartheid in Sports to continue its consultations

Dec. 15 38/70 147-1
Outer space should be used for peaceful
purposes; prevention of an arms race in outer space

Dec. 16 38/124 132-1
Declares that education, work, health care, proper
nourishment, national development, etc. are human rights

Dec. 19 38/128 110-1
Development of the principles and norms of international
law relating to the new world economic order

Dec. 19 38/150 137-1
Transport and communications Decade in Africa

Dec. 20 38/182 116-1
Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new
types and systems of weapons of mass destruction

Dec. 20 38/183M 133-1
Requests nuclear-arms States to submit to General
Assembly annual reports on measures taken for
prevention of nuclear war and reversing the arms race

Dec. 20 38/187A 98-1
Urges intensification of negotiations to achieve an accord
on a prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons

Dec. 20 38/188G 113-1
Requests a study on the naval arms race

Dec. 20 38/188H 132-1
Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues

Dec. 20 38/202 126-1
Strengthening the capacity of the UN to respond
to natural and other disasters

1984 [selected resolutions]
Nov. 8 39/9 134-2 (US, Israel)
Cooperation between the UN and the League of
Arab States

Nov. 16 39/14 106-2 (US, Israel)
Condemns Israeli attack against Iraqi nuclear

Nov. 23 39/21 145-1
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination

Dec. 5 39/411 119-2 (US, UK)
Reaffirming the right of St. Helena to independence

Dec. 5 39/42 121-2 (US, UK)
Condemns support of South Africa in its Namibian and
other policies

Dec. 11 39/49A 127-2 (US, Israel)
Rights of the Palestinian people

Dec. 11 39/49D 121-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Convening a Middle-East peace conference

Dec. 12 39/62 125-1
Prohibition of development and manufacture of new
types of weapons of mass destruction

Dec. 12 39/65B 84-1
Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons

Dec. 13 39/72G 146-2 (US, UK)
International action to eliminate apartheid

Dec. 13 39/73 138-2 (US, Turkey)
Law of the sea.

Dec. 14 39/95A 120-2 (US, Israel)
Israeli human rights violations in occupied territories

Dec. 14 39/95H 143-2 (US, Israel)
Condemns assassination attempts against Palestinian
mayors and calls for apprehension and prosecution
of the perpetrators

Dec. 17 39/147 94-2 (US, Israel)
Condemns Israel's refusal to place its nuclear facilities
under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards

Dec. 17 39/148N 123-1
Nuclear-test ban, cessation of nuclear-arms race,
nuclear disarmament

Dec. 17 39/151F 141-1
Request to continue UN study on military research
and development

Dec. 17 39/161B 143-1
Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Declaration
on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and

Dec. 18 39/224 146-2 (US, Israel)
Economic and social assistance to the Palestinian people

Dec. 18 39/232 118-2 (US, Israel)
Support of the UN Industrial Development Organization

Dec. 18 39/233 120-1
Industrial Development Decade for Africa

Dec. 18 39/243 123-2 (US, Israel)
Staff and administrative questions re the Economic
Commission for Western Asia

Dec. 13 40/114 134-1
Indivisibility and interdependence of economic,
social, cultural, civil, and political rights.

Dec. 13 40/124 130-1
Alternative approaches within the UN system for improving
the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Dec. 13 40/148 121-2 (US, Israel)
Measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist

Dec. 17 40/445 133-1
International cooperation in the interrelated areas of
money, finance, debt, resource flow, trade and development

Oct. 27 41/11 124-1
Zone of peace and co-operation in the South Atlantic

Dec. 3 41/68A 148-1
New world information order, led by UNESCO,
to eliminate existing imbalances in the information
and communications fields

Dec. 4 41/90 126-1
Review of the Implementation of the Declaration of
the Strengthening of International Security

Dec. 4 41/91 117-1
Need for result-oriented political dialogue to improve
the international situation

Dec. 4 41/92 102-2 (US, France)
Establishment of a comprehensive system of
international peace and security

Dec. 4 41/128 146-1
Declaration on the right to development

Dec. 4 41/151 148-1
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the
human rights and dignity of all migrant workers

Dec. 8 41/450 146-1
Protection against products harmful to health and the

Oct. 15 42/5 153-2 (US, Israel)
Cooperation between the UN and the League of Arab

Nov. 12 42/18 94-2 (US, Israel)
Need for compliance in the International Court of
Justice concerning military and paramilitary activities
against Nicaragua

Dec. 2 42/69J 145-2 (US, Israel)
Calls upon Israel to abandon plans to remove and
resettle Palestinian refugees of the West Bank
away from their homes and property

Dec. 7 42/101 150-0-1 (US sole abstainer)
A call for a "convention on the rights of the child"

Dec. 7 42/159 153-2 (US, Israel)
Measures to prevent international terrorism, study the un-
derlying political and economic causes of terrorism, con-
vene a conference to define terrorism and to differentiate
it from the struggle of people for national liberation

Dec. 8 42/162B 140-1
Financing the training of journalists and strengthening
communication services in the underdeveloped world

Dec. 11 42/176 94-2 (US, Israel)
Trade embargo against Nicaragua

Dec. 11 42/198 154-1
Furthering international co-operation regarding the
external debt problems

Dec. 11 42/441 131-1
Preparation of summary records for a UN conference on
Trade and Development

Necessity of ending the US embargo against Cuba
1992 Nov. 24 47/19 59-2(US, Israel)*

1993 Nov. 3 48/16 88-4(US, Israel, Albania, Paraguay)

1994 Oct. 26 49/9 101-2(US, Israel)

1995 Nov. 2 117-3(US, Israel, Uzbekistan)

1996 Nov. 12 138-3(US, Israel, Uzbekistan)
[For the first time, all 15 European Union countries
voted yes.]
1997 143-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)

1998 157-2 (US, Israel)

* Romania also voted "no", by mistake.

It should be remembered that for years American political
leaders and media were fond of labeling Cuba an
"international pariah".

Compiled by William Blum, author of Killing Hope: U.S.
Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II;

                *               *               *


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