
<<<<<After decades of abstention, the United States is back in
the coup
d'état business.>>>>

What f*cking universe has this guy been living in for the last 20

To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Steve Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                "Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch." 
Date sent:              Sun, 30 Jun 2002 00:47:18 -0700 (PDT)
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ---------------------------
> Thu Jun 27, 7:01 PM ET
> By Ted Rall
> Bush's Palestinian Putsch
> SAN FRANCISCO-Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch.
>   When the Israeli prime minister began demanding that the Palestinian
> Authority jettison Yasser Arafat as its leader a few months back, even
> his fans knew he'd crossed the line. Israel was in no position to give
> the Palestinians this much advice. Sure, Bush had refused to even shake
> Arafat's hand, but the administration hadn't yet endorsed Sharon's
> ridiculous bid to beat the Palestinians by turning their leader into an
> Israeli puppet.
>   "(Washington) is not an honest broker or a neutral intermediary; it
> stands completely behind Israel," Hamas politburo member Mousa Abu
> Marzouk told Reuters in Damascus on June 10. Then, in a speech
> seemingly tailor-made to confirm that intifadist statement, George W.
> Bush dangled the possibility of American support for the creation of a
> Palestinian state on the West Bank in exchange for Arafat's ouster:
> "Peace requires a new and different Palestinian leadership so that a
> Palestinian state can be born," he said on June 24. Presumably that
> "new leadership" would be friendly to both American and Israeli
> interests.
>   After decades of abstention, the United States is back in the coup
> d'état business. And with the exception of an embarrassingly inept
> attempt to unseat Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez a few months back,
> Bush's back-to-the-'50s retro imperialism is working out fairly
> well...for now.
>   The administration rigged Afghanistan's loya jirga to install
> ex-Unocal executive Hamid Karzai as the head of a nation where few
> people had ever heard of him. It converted former Taliban cabana boy
> Gen. Pervez Musharraf into our wholly-owned Pakistani subsidiary. And
> it owes its own existence to the first successful domestic coup d'état
> in American history. Why not, regime tinkerers Rumsfeld and Cheney
> obviously asked themselves, pull off a Palestinian putsch too?
>   The Palestinians could obviously do better than Mohammed Abdel-Raouf
> Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. A once-brilliant, charismatic tactician
> whose leadership of the PLO forced the West to consider Palestinian
> independence, 73 years of hard living and Israeli shelling have reduced
> Arafat to a quivering wreck tottering on the brink of senility. Though
> Israel has exaggerated the generosity of the deal he turned down over
> the Jerusalem issue, Arafat clearly failed to understand that the
> favorable tide of Western opinion had crested. He should have signed up
> then and later asked for more-East Jerusalem, a corridor connecting
> Gaza to the West Bank.
>   Arafat's undemocratic moderation has become both too strident for the
> West and too soft for his increasingly radicalized people. But he's all
> they've got. He's the Palestinians' George Washington, a military
> leader striving to carve out a state which will someday stamp his
> googly-eyed image on its coins and stamps. At this point his possible
> successors-Mahmoud Abbas, Ahmed Korei, Jibril Rajoub, Mohammed
> Dahlan-just aren't popular enough to run this landlocked hellhole.
> Marwan Barghouthi, a popular Fatah leader currently in jail, wouldn't
> be acceptable to Israel. An independent Palestine can do without
> Arafat, but only after he's served one term leading to a free election.
>   But none of that matters. If another nation attempted to topple
> George W. Bush, I would be the first to fight to defend my country from
> foreign interference. Illegitimate and harmful though Bush obviously
> is, it's up to Americans to decide whether he should stay in office.
> The same goes for the Palestinians. Getting rid of Arafat may be a good
> decision, but it has to be a Palestinian decision; neither the U.S. or
> Israel has the right to impose new leadership. Certainly neither
> country has the moral authority to do so.
>   George W. Bush has made it official: He'll go along with whatever
> Ariel Sharon wants him to do, no matter how immoral, impractical or
> insane. Wait a minute. Who's paying who $3 billion a year, anyway? Bad
> enough we toady up to a country we ought to own, but now the U.S. no
> longer bothers to give even lip service to the principles of national
> sovereignty and self-determination-especially in regard to Muslim
> countries next to or on top of major oil reserves. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
> We're the biggest, baddest bully on the block right now, but look
> out-the people we're stomping on in Pakistan, Afghanistan and now,
> Palestine, will be waiting to get even with us down the road.
> ____________________
> (Ted Rall's new book, a graphic travelogue about his recent coverage of
> the Afghan war titled "To Afghanistan and Back," is out now. Ordering
> and review-copy information are available at <>)
> =====
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>in Oakland.
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> public transportation info go to
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