
At 08:55 2002-07-01 -0400, you ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

>---------------------------Why did you even bother to post this stuff? 
>Stopnato is more serious than this, and
>you are being irresponsible to post the ravings of some drug 
>addict-paranoid-LaRouchian nutcase!


I posted this in order to show one more of the *desperate CIA
"red herring" attempts* to throw people off the real scent (that
of Bushy & friends) in the case of 11 September 2001.

As a such (as I pointed out it was too), it was of some
interest, I believe, and not at all "irresponsible" to show,
*with those comments by me added*.

And *you* are quite wrong - might even be called "irrespon-
sible" - in trying to make people believe that *this* thing
came from that small LaRouche bourgeois group in the
USA, *not* from (main) CIA quarters.

I among other things, rather early on, quoted, to this
list too, what *LaRouche* on his part *did* say - even
the very same day, 11 Sept 2001, when he happened
to be in a radio interviwe at the very time those Bushy-
(etc) directed planes were flying smack into the WTC

*He* said - as you must know - that clearly, such a
thing could *not* have been done without the *connivance
of some "highly-placed" persons in the USA itself*.

And in this, he of course was quite right. By no means
did LaRouche - then or later - hint anything about

And you, Heather, expressed *anger* at that time,
back in September 2001, at my "even qouting" such
a person as LaRouche, saying - then too, but *then*
with *another* "reason" given by you for this - that
he was "a nutcase", implying too that his correct
pointing at such "highly-placed US persons" was
"all wrong".

"Responsible" acting, then, on your part? "Respon-
sible" acting by you now?

True enough, the theory of LaRouche was, "some
*rouge* influential people in the US", *not* "the
administration itself". And in this, he clearly was/is
wrong, it has turned out later - or hasn't it?

Trying to pin the "China done it?" red herring on "the
LaRouche" people, that's pretty bad anyway, Heather
- I did appreciate your info on quite another matter,
having to with the people's justified defence against
the present attacks on democratic rights in the US.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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