
At 22:44 2002-07-01 -0400, you ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
wrote, to the ANTINATO and "MaoZeDong" mailing lists:

[Quoting me, RM:]
><<<<have to tell you that some inconsistencies in your message
> > suggest that you are really not Tariq at all but only one of
> > the many non-existent persons, so-called "cyber ghosts", in-
> > vented by a certain reactionary-minded person in the USA,
> > Thomas P. Murray, who takes an interest in trying to fool
> > others and "at best" lead them astray in various ways.>>>>>
>Yet another sign of an extremely paranoid individual, seriously in
>need of  councelling.

How very interesting, Davey-baby!

You're arging that Tariq is "real", and "not" another Murray

Well, let's wait a little and see how things turn out
concerning that. Tariq did promise me, as you saw
too, a report on a certain seminar/debate which would
take place in Peshawar, Pakistan, last week in July.

I've informed Taimur Rahman, UK, who's of Pakistani
origin, about this too; he no doubt will have some
possibilities of checking this out, in August or so.

And you yourself David, could you perhaps be related,
cyberspace-wise, to Tariq too? Let's see what the
future will show.

[RM, earlier: Kick the USA out of the UN!]

>  >... said, "I agree- [USA] and Israel!
>  >The two nations that continually vote against peace and
>  >progress!"
>  >I will like to add another name: India.
>Well, Tariq, that was one thing which you wrote that was
>*completely out of character* for any *genuine* Pakistani
>Leftist. But a typical one for a stupid reactionary US
>bourgeois person, such as the inveterate "cyber ghost" in-
>ventor Thomas P. Murray, to try to *make people believe* a
>Pakistani Leftist might writ>>>>
>   AH --  but how does the enlightened "marxist" Rolf Marten of
>Sweden define such a term as a ' genuine Pakistani Leftist'?; and
>for that matter,"genuine" leftist? Under what circumstances is this
>title revoked?

You don't like my calling that stoopid Murr-Murray "stoopid"?
This may have one very simple explanation, or what do other
readers think?

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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