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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 11, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


A tremendous challenge looms for the postal workers and 
their unions. The government knows who probably sent the 
deadly anthrax letters, but has done nothing about it.

This shocking assertion doesn't come from us. It was first 
made by Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a prominent expert on 
biological weapons who reported her findings on the American 
Society of Scientists Web site. An article about her views 
appeared in the March 18 New Yorker magazine.

Now the culpability of the government has been suggested by 
an even weightier establishment source: the New York Times. 
In an op-ed piece on July 2, Pulitzer Prize-winning 
columnist Nicholas D. Kristof describes in detail the person 
responsible, identifying him only as "Mr. Z" for obvious 
legal reasons.

He is not somebody from the Middle East, says Kristof, but a 
"true-blue American with close ties to the Defense 
Department, the CIA, and the American biodefense program."

He had access to an isolated residence last fall that could 
be a government "safe house." The FBI "knows that Mr. Z gave 
Cipro to people who visited it," says Kristof. Cipro is the 
antibiotic recommended to counteract anthrax.

While the Bush administration pretends that its 
strengthening of the repressive apparatus here and abroad is 
for "fighting terror" and "homeland security," and has put 
more than a thousand Muslim and Arab people behind bars, it 
has allowed the prime suspect in the domestic anthrax 
attacks to use multiple passports and identities and "travel 
abroad on government assignments, even to Central Asia," 
says Kristof.

His identity appears to be an open secret in Washington. 
Kristof says many experts are "buzzing about Mr. Z behind 
his back."

Kristof notes that the FBI has polygraphed him, searched his 
home twice and interviewed him four times. But the agency 
has not placed Mr. Z under surveillance or asked a 
handwriting expert to analyze any similarities between his 
writing and that on the letters that accompanied the 

The political police also declined to obtain comparison 
anthrax samples from labs until March and allowed the stocks 
of anthrax at Iowa State University to be destroyed before 
they could be tested. Scientists at two likely labs--Fort 
Detrick, Md., and Dugway Proving Ground in Utah--were not 
systematically polygraphed until June.

This person has an extreme racist political pedigree that is 
also known to Washington. Kristof says he has "claimed that 
he participated in the white army's much-feared Selous 
Scouts" in Rhodesia, before it became Zimbabwe. He "also 
claims involvement in the former South African Defense 
Force," which committed horrendous crimes against the 
African majority before apartheid was finally dismantled.

The worst recorded outbreak of anthrax in history occurred 
in Rhodesia from 1978 to 1980, exactly the period when the 
liberation movement was winning the war against the Selous 
Scouts and white minority rule. The disease raged in the 
African-owned Tribal Trust Lands. Some 10,000 Black farmers 
were sickened and 182 died, but the white elite of Rhodesia 
and their cattle were untouched. There was suspicion that 
the disease was spread by aerial spraying.

The FBI and the Bush administration appear totally 
unconcerned that a person with Mr. Z's background has worked 
high up in the biological weapons program of the U.S. and is 
viewed by his colleagues as a prime suspect in the anthrax 

But postal workers, many of whom are African American, must 
look at it differently. There have been nine known deaths 
since the letters started to appear--the majority postal 
workers. All were purposely exposed to anthrax. If that's 
not "terrorism," what is?

Don't they have the right to conduct an independent 
investigation of what is going on? Kristof ascribes a benign 
motive to the killer: he "probably had no intention of 
killing people. ... My guess is that the goal was to help 
America by raising preparedness against biological attacks 
in the future."

But what if the goal of this unregenerate racist was 
something much more sinister? To provide a pretext to 
dismantle civil liberties and strengthen a police state? 
And/or to wage war on countries U.S. imperialism wants to 
conquer, like Iraq? And what if the cover-up is similarly 

The workers' movement--particularly the postal workers' 
union--has the right to take control of this investigation 
and pry it open to public view, here and around the world.

- END -

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