July 5, 2002 - No. 129
Vigorously Oppose Crimes of U.S. Troops!

On June 13, U.S. troops stationed at the U.S. Second Division base in Uijongbu, south Korea drove at armoured vehicle over two 14-year-old schoolgirls, Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son, killing them both on a roadside. Then on June 26 more than 10 GIs savagely clubbed and detained two south Korean reporters who were covering a demonstration protesting the GIs' killing of the schoolgirls. TML Daily vigorously denounces the atrocities committed by U.S. aggressor troops stationed in south Korea and demands that they be brought to justice.

On June 29, a mass rally was held in front of the U.S. base in Uijongbu to demand an investigation into the killing of the schoolgirls. In a resolution, the "All-People Measure Committee of the Murder of Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son" demanded the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from south Korea, the dismantling of all U.S. bases on the Korean peninsula, an official apology from U.S. President George W. Bush and punishment for those responsible for the killing of the schoolgirls.

Also on June 29, the central committee of the Korean Journalists Union issued a statement on behalf of all journalists and other mediapersons in north Korea, condemning the U.S. imperialists' ceaseless killings and violence in the south and their attempts to block the independent reunification of the Korean nation. "The assault made by GIs against the South Korean reporters is a clear reminder of their extremely arrogant and high-handed practices. This once again clearly proves that the U.S. is, indeed, the real axis of evil and the root cause of evils," the union said. "The recent incident clearly shows the master-servant relationship between the U.S. and south Korea. It is the height of shame that south Korea is still under the yoke of U.S. domination and subjugation, its sovereignty wantonly violated. The U.S. should apologize not only to the south Korean people but to the whole Korean nation for the aggression, plunder and mass killing it has committed for over half a century," the union stated.


Spring 2002 Sees Growing
Anti-U.S. Action in South Korea

The April issue of the south Korean monthly magazine Min carried an article entitled "Anti-U.S. struggle in the spring of 2002," featuring the massive and daily-growing anti-U.S. struggle of the south Korean people. It analyzed the mounting anti-U.S. campaign from three perspectives.

First, an increasing number of people are joining the anti-U.S. campaign. Anti-U.S. songs and animated images are now omnipresent on the Internet and users hold cyber rallies and protests. The intense anti-U.S. sentiment during the Winter Olympics was one of the results of this trend. A group of anti-U.S. websites launched a "society for a boycott of U.S. goods," and are working closely with each other to carry out their action program.

Anti-U.S. books are increasingly popular and voices shouting anti-U.S. slogans can be heard everywhere in south Korea. The most notable feature of the current surge of anti-U.S. feelings is that it was started by teenagers.

In the past, anti-U.S. slogans were not a rallying cry for all political movements, but they have come to the fore with the growing public realization, gained through firsthand experience, that the United States is responsible not only for the massive lay-offs and structural reform imposed by the IMF but for the break-up of their families. The perception of the anti-U.S. struggle, which was previously confined to a handful of political groups, has now changed.

Second, anti-U.S. and anti-Bush sentiments have now penetrated into the everyday life of the people. Satirical songs such as "Laudable Pretzel," "Ttorai Bush," "Nasty U.S." and "Paper Plane" are re-edited with the addition of various animated images on the Internet, and used as a call signal by mobile phone users. This shows that anti-U.S. behaviour has now become part of their lives. The very mention of the U.S., to say nothing of Bush, on TV or in other places naturally invites expletives. Some bars offer refreshment services for anti-U.S. protesters.

Third, the anti-U.S. struggle will develop to a higher stage in the future. According to a public opinion poll conducted by the south Korean media, 87 per cent of respondents supported the anti-U.S. struggle, 56.1 per cent said "No" to the U.S., 71.4 per cent opposed the expansion of the U.S. war on terrorism, and 62.9 per cent were against Bush's north Korea policy. Even the sponsors themselves expressed their shock at the dramatic change in public attitude towards the U.S.

Meanwhile, the anti-U.S. sentiment of the south Korean people is growing daily with no sign of abating. The anti-U.S. campaign launched in spring will turn this year into a year of a brighter future for Korea.

(Pyongyang Times, June 1, 2002)


U.S. Crimes During Korean War

TML Daily is posting below an article by Kim Ho published in the June 1, 2002 issue of the Pyongyang Times.

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Indelible in the minds of the Korean people are the killing, plunder and destruction committed by U.S. forces during the Korean war (1950-1953). After unleashing the war, the U.S. carried out indiscriminate bombing on the whole of south Korea as well as the north in order to kill innocent people.

Due to U.S. bombing on July 11, 1950, 15 inhabitants were killed in Suwon, Kyonggi Province, and between July 11 and 14, 54 railway workers were killed and more than 450 civilians were killed or wounded around Riri, North Jolla Province. On July 16, U.S. warplanes bombed Seoul, killing 1,096 people and seriously wounding 1,201.

Between July 25 and 28, U.S. planes killed 400 people through strafing and bombing of more than 700 inhabitants and refugees near a railway and under a bridge in Rogun-ri, Yongdong County, North Chungchong Province.

On August 2, four U.S. warplanes attacked 300 people seeking their shelter, killing 150 of them, in Jojang-ri, Konmyong sub-county, Sachon County, South Kyongsang Province.

Next day, a U.S. fighter wing twice bombed Jinchiryong Cave in Yak Valley, Juyak-dong, where several hundred inhabitants of Kangnam-dong and Manggyongdong, Jinju City, South Kyongsang Province, had taken shelter. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon on August 4, it made repeated attacks on refugees who were about to eat, killing 50 and wounding 50 of them. Some witnesses said that limbs were scattered around the cave, presenting a terrible sight.

On August 5, eight U.S. bombers flew over Jonju City, North Jolla Province, destroying three villages and killing 153 civilians. On September 2, 3 and 4, 12 U.S. warplanes strafed and bombed on a place in Seoul where civilians were concentrated and killed 79 of them.

Between June 28 and July 4, U.S. troops murdered 1,146 patriots who were detained in prison in Suwon, and tied 739 civilians in groups of 10 or 15 before machine-gunning them in Chungju, North Chungchong Province. More than 600 civilians were killed in a valley in Kongju, South Chungchong Province. Using similar methods, they killed 600 in Phyongthaek, 500 in Ansong, 2,000 in Puyo, 4,000 in Jonju, 400 in Kunsan, 400 in Anyang and 2,060 in Chungju.

U.S. troops who landed at Inchong on September 16, 1950, massacred 1,300 innocent people on the first day, and between September 28 and November 13 imprisoned and then killed 55,900 people.

A conservative estimate put the death toll during the first year of the war, from the summer of 1950 to the summer of 1951, at more than one million south Koreans.

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