

The Land of the Free?

D Gordon Hilton

  Is the United States of America really the greatest nation on Earth?

  U.S. economic might is truly staggering, and its military capacity is
almost unfathomable in scope and brutal effectiveness. Patriotism
runs deep in the hearts of its citizens, and individual freedoms are
vigorously protected inside its borders.

  But under closer scrutiny these and other stereotypes perpetuated by
Washington, Wall Street and Hollywood don't always hold up.

  The recent scandals involving Enron, Arthur Andersen, and WorldCom
have shown that many of the pillars of U.S. economic strength may not
be as solid as once thought.

  The concern is not just that these companies chose to ignore laws
intended to protect shareholders and employees. The real scandal is
that the U.S. government has been curiously lax in its efforts to
prevent it from happening again.

  However difficult this may be to accept, there are obvious parallels
between this economic-political scandal and the once and future
Japanese banking and currency crisis.

  In addition to the noisy shattering of economic illusions, the
perception of the U.S. military is also undergoing a slight

  Neither U.S. military intelligence, the CIA or the FBI could prevent
extremists armed with only box-cutters from accomplishing the most
heinous act of peace-time terrorism ever witnessed.

  And more recently, U.S. President George W Bush has been scrambling
to reassure voters that despite the mounting evidence, his government
had no prior knowledge of the Sept 11 attacks.

  Whether dismissing radar sightings of the Japanese fleet en route to
Pearl Harbour or vastly underestimating the strength of opponents in
Indochina, gaps in U.S. defensive-intelligence are nothing new.

  But when systemically ineffective intelligence is combined with what
appears to be increasingly trigger-happy military personnel, the
results can be as tragic as they are worrisome.

  Tragedy is clearly understood by the families of four Canadian
soldiers recently killed in Afghanistan when a U.S. pilot ignored his
orders and attacked his allies with a 225 kilogram bomb.

  It is also understood by the survivors of the Afghan wedding that
turned into a bloodbath when a U.S. bomb found its way to the
festivities on Monday.

  Sadly these incidents are nothing new and are becoming increasingly
common. With the U.S. appointing itself anti-terrorism GloboCop,
realism and not cowboy idealism would be a well chosen ally.

  Post-Sept 11, patriotism in the United States has also changed,
reaching new heights. Cars are draped with the Stars and Stripes and
proudly display multiple "God Bless America" stickers. Billboards
posted along interstate highways urge the U.S. to withdraw from the
United Nations, while the White House threatens to pull out of
peacekeeping operations around the world.

  And in an effort to protect its war heroes from any possible war
crime prosecutions, the U.S. is also boycotting the new International
War Crimes Court.

  In this new era of U.S. isolationism, "United We Stand" is no longer
a cry of strength, it is now a reminder of vulnerability.

  From interstate rest stops and cheap motels to swank cafes and
downtown bars, this new vulnerability is clearly visible while the
greatness of "America" seems harder to find.

  It is difficult to see "America the Beautiful" while standing in an
impoverished Los Angeles neighbourhood, streets lined with urban
flotsam and air dense with smog.

  It is also hard to understand "America the Free" while U.S. citizens
only suspected of having terrorist links slowly decay in jail cells
without due process or representation.

  And "America the Strong" does not seem manifest in the eyes of
19-year-old Marines, more interested in tattoos and football than the
U.S. war on terrorism.

  The myth of "American Freedom" is also becoming much harder to

 TV talk show host Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" program was
recently cancelled after he questioned the courage of the U.S. military
in Afghanistan.

  "We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles
away," said Maher. "Staying in the airplane when it hits the
building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.".

  On the air since 1994, these comments were enough to prompt the
cancellation of one of the few unscripted talk shows on U.S.
television that epitomized the concept of free speech.

  It seems that even in the United States, freedom itself is becoming
the most scarce commodity of all.

  Equally worrisome are the words of Bush in response to a recent Court
of Appeals judgement. The court ruled that referring to "God" in the
Pledge of Allegiance is an establishment of religion in violation of
the First Amendment.

  Calling the ruling "out of step" with U.S. tradition and history,
Bush vowed to appoint judges who agree with his assertion that the
United States, much like Islamic extremists, "received our rights
from God."

  Giving no reason, the judge has since stayed his ruling until other
9th Circuit judges decide whether to reconsider the case.

  This is the new face of a cold, determined, and increasingly
isolationist United States. Rights, freedoms, and civil liberties can
be put on hold if they get in your way. You are either with us or
against us. Love us or hate us, just make sure you buy from us.

  Even still, the United States remains a triumph of democracy and
capitalism in a global context. It is a nation that has made great
contributions to the progress and welfare of the human race.

  But as much as it is a nation of heroes, millionaires, and happy
immigrants, it is also a nation of ignorance, brutality, and lies.

  And the one lesson the U.S. seems wont to forget is a dangerous one.
No nation, regardless of economic might, military capability, or
blind patriotism can stand alone. At least not for long.

July 5, 2002

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