
Banks to shut doors on Saudi royal cash 
King Fahd is moving large sums through Liechtenstein 
David Pallister and Owen Bowcott in Liechtenstein
Wednesday July 17, 2002
The Guardian 
Western banks may refuse deposits from members of the Saudi royal family under 
guidelines drawn up to identify "politically exposed" wealthy individuals whose assets 
could in future be confiscated. 
The move comes as details emerge of how King Fahd - head of the dynasty and one of the 
world's richest men - has transferred large sums through anonymous trusts in 
Liechtenstein where secrecy laws allow the Alpine mini-state to function as a bolt 
hole for rich clients. 
The Guardian has found that the banks, notably in Switzerland, are increasingly wary. 
"We do not accept business from politicians in controversial countries," said one 
"Some banks take the view that we will not have anything to do with members of the 
Saudi royal family," said a source close to the Wolfsberg group, an alliance of 11 
major banks - including HSBC, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, and the Dutch 
company ABN Amro - which convened to combat money laundering. 
The anxiety of the banks follows the embarrassing experience of having to trace and 
hand back vast fortunes looted by such notorious former dictators as Ferdinand Marcos 
in the Philippines, Joseph Mobutu in Zaire, and General Sani Abacha in Nigeria. 
All three salted away private funds overseas which were later recovered by successor 
governments. Marcos reportedly plundered between £3bn and £12.5bn before he was 
ousted; Mobutu exploited his impoverished state's natural resources to extract some 
£2.5bn before his death; while Gen Abacha and his associates took up to £2bn from the 
national finances, says the Nigerian government. 
Last year the Basel committee on banking supervision, which is an influential 
international body, defined "politically exposed persons" (Peps) as those "entrusted 
with prominent public functions, including heads of state or of government". 
"Accepting and managing funds from corrupt Peps will severely damage the bank's own 
reputation... even if the illegal origin of the assets is difficult to prove," the 
committee warned. It added: "The bank may be subject to costly information requests 
and seizure orders from law enforcement." 
If the big banks decide to shun royal Saudi money it would be a huge blow to the House 
of Saud's prestige, reinforcing fears that the regime is less stable after September 
11 and vulnerable to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. Although the sums invested 
abroad by King Fahd may not be the product of corruption under current Saudi law, they 
may nevertheless be caught by the banks' new policy. 
Professor Mark Pieth of Basel university, a consultant to the Wolfsberg meeting in 
Zurich which drew up anti-money laundering guidelines, confirms that a sub-group has 
been established to consider such "politically exposed" clients. 
"They're looking at this issue very closely already with the Saudis," he said. 
"It would be down to individual banks to decide whether to refuse new Saudi accounts." 
Stanley Morris, an expert on money laundering at Interpol who also attended the 
Wolfsberg meeting, said that guidelines would identify those individuals so 
politically exposed that they constituted an excessive banking risk. 
The 6,000 Saudi royals form a privileged caste whose collective overseas funds are 
thought to amount to £400bn. The ailing King Fahd is believed to have personally 
acquired at least £20bn. 
Critics accuse them of greed and corruption on a grand scale but the royal family 
maintains that its wealth was legally acquired under the laws of the land. 
Dr Saad Al-Fagih, the London-based head of the non-violent dissident group, the 
Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia, said: "The way the country is run gives the 
royal family full chance to confiscate as much money as [it wants]."
One of the secretive Liechtenstein trusts, the Asturion Foundation, has been used by 
King Fahd for over 25 years to shelter his money abroad. It constitutes a legal entity 
that holds bank accounts of which he is the beneficiary; it also owns his worldwide 
property portfolio. 
It is not known exactly how much money the foundation holds but among the assets 
registered in Britain under the foundation's name is Kenstead Hall, a mock Tudor 
mansion in north London's "Billionaire's Row" - The Bishop's Avenue in Hampstead. 
Two years ago, the international Financial Action Task Force blacklisted Liechtenstein 
for failing to combat money laundering in general. It was taken off the list in June 
last year after improving its regulatory regime. 
Earlier this year, however, the principality, along with six other countries, was 
placed on another blacklist of uncooperative tax havens by the Organisation for 
Economic Cooperation and Development. 
It now faces penalties from world financial institutions if it fails to introduce 
further transparency and accountability into its offshore regime. 
King Fahd's use of such foundations to hide his wealth abroad is embarrassing for his 
regent, Crown Prince Abdullah, who has tried to end his relatives' financial excesses. 
In November, the Saudi government spent £5m on advertisements portraying King Fahd as 
a benevolent father figure to the nation. "For two decades he has been the quiet 
symbol of stability and diplomacy," the adverts stated. 
The identity of Asturion's beneficiary was revealed in a CD-rom of internal files 
obtained by a defecting Liechtenstein law firm employee which was originally passed to 
the German magazine Der Spiegel. 
Two trusts - Asturion and Norista - control most of King Fahd's opulent foreign 
residences. Two of his sons - Mohammed, governor of the Eastern province, and Saud, 
the deputy chief of intelligence - are trustees. The Asturion portfolio includes some 
of the most desirable addresses in Europe. 
"Asturion and Norista are owners of various properties in Europe and... the 
beneficiaries are the [Saudi] royal family," agrees Herbert Batliner, who for decades 
headed the Liechtenstein law firm which administers the two foundations. 
The Saudi embassy in London declined to comment on either the Liechtenstein 
foundations held by the royal family or the debate over whether Saudi royal money 
might be refused by western banks. 
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002 


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