
Task force gives 'em Hellfire in exercise at Bosnia

By Ivana Avramovic, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Sunday, July 21, 2002

-The soldiers took a break from peacekeeping to fire
anti-tank guided Hellfire missiles, rockets and 50
millimeter rounds.
“The training is an opportunity for the unit to stay
proficient in its wartime missions,” said Lt. Col. A.
Thomas Ball, commander of Task Force 1-25 out of
-“We demonstrate that SFOR, despite our reductions, is
still a very credible force able to ensure a safe and
secure environment here in Bosnia. Our training is, in
fact, a demonstration or a show of NATO’s resolve in
this matter.”
-“The skills that we have the opportunity to train out
here will be critical,” McAuliffe said. 
“Because the next likely place we’re going to be sent
will have live ordinance going both directions.”

GLAMOC, Bosnia and Herzegovina — U.S. Army aviation
troops in Bosnia, while on peacekeeping duty, brushed
up on wartime skills last week.

The training took place at Glamoc Range during Pacific
Resolve II.

The soldiers took a break from peacekeeping to fire
anti-tank guided Hellfire missiles, rockets and 50
millimeter rounds.

“The training is an opportunity for the unit to stay
proficient in its wartime missions,” said Lt. Col. A.
Thomas Ball, commander of Task Force 1-25 out of

“We’re doing this while conducting our stability and
support operations in Bosnia.”

Ball said the six-day training at the range southwest
of Eagle Base goes hand in hand with peacekeeping.

“I feel they are not mutually exclusive,” he said. “In
fact, they reinforce each other.

“We demonstrate that SFOR, despite our reductions, is
still a very credible force able to ensure a safe and
secure environment here in Bosnia. Our training is, in
fact, a demonstration or a show of NATO’s resolve in
this matter.”

The practice scenario was developed from actual events
of the past.

The mission was to rescue personnel and protect a
weapons storage site from angry local soldiers who had
not been paid for months. 

Mission accomplished.

Conducting the training in Bosnia at Glamoc Range had
many benefits for the task force from Hawaii.

“Training opportunities in Glamoc are as good or
better than what I have at home station,” Ball said.

The range is a five-hour drive from Eagle Base, and it
took less effort to move there than from Oahu Island
to the Big Island of Hawaii, where the task force
normally conducts exercises. All the necessary
equipment was airlifted and driven to the range. No
ships were needed.

“My soldiers are already deployed and away from their
families,” Ball said. “If I can conduct this training
here before I return to Hawaii, this is a huge

At home, the troops face altitude- and
long-distance-navigations restrictions, and limits on
firing Hellfire missiles.

“This is great training, excellent training,” said Lt.
Jon Merkel, a Kiowa pilot. “We have an ample supply of
ammo to execute the mission. The weather is agreeing
with us.”

Everything was accomplished in one day.

Though it is unlikely that troops will have to use the
Hellfire missiles and rockets while conducting
peacekeeping duties in Bosnia, Capt. Dan McAuliffe,
the intelligence officer for the task force, said
training is crucial.

“The skills that we have the opportunity to train out
here will be critical,” McAuliffe said. 

“Because the next likely place we’re going to be sent
will have live ordinance going both directions.”

Ball was satisfied with the results his aviators

“I am extremely pleased because I will be bringing
back [to Hawaii] an aviation task force that’s better
trained and more proficient than I brought to Bosnia.”

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