
The Scotsman
July 23, 2002

US troops drafted in to replace Afghan president’s
Dusan Stojanovic in Kabul 

-The United States has started an 18-month training
programme to provide 11,500 troops for the new Afghan
army and border force. France is carrying out a
parallel programme. 
A new British-trained battalion provided security for
the Afghan grand council, or loya jirga, in June, but
more than one-third of the soldiers have since left
the unit because of lack of support from the defence
ministry, according to the United Nations. 

AFGHANISTAN’S president, Hamid Karzai, has sidelined
his bodyguards and called in US troops to replace them
in a sign of rising security fears after the murder of
a vice-president, his aide said yesterday. 

Diplomats said the move followed "serious threats"
against Mr Karzai, some of them believed to have come
from within his own cabinet. The approximately 50
guards who were replaced were part of the
10,000-strong force of fighters loyal to the defence
minister, Mohammed Fahim. 

Concern over Mr Karzai’s safety soared after the
killing this month of a vice-president, Abdul Qadir,
said a presidential spokesman, Said Fazel Akbar. "The
investigation into the slaying of Mr Qadir has so far
not produced results, and something had to be done to
increase the president’s security," Mr Akbar told

Mr Qadir was shot on 6 July outside his office by two
men who fled in a white vehicle. Ten security guards
were arrested for failing to stop the killing or
apprehend the gunmen. 

Sources at the presidential palace said the first of
about 50 US soldiers, including special forces, had
started deploying over the weekend to take care of Mr
Karzai’s personal safety. 

"The people who guarded Mr Karzai in the palace were
simple soldiers who don’t know much about organising
security," Mr Akbar said. "They will get the proper
training [from the Americans], and in a few months,
they will take over." 

Mr Qadir was the second government minister killed in
Kabul in six months. Abdul Rahman, the minister of
aviation and tourism, was killed in February at Kabul
airport. Witnesses said he was killed by pilgrims
furious over delays to flights to Saudi Arabia, but Mr
Karzai blamed a plot among high-ranking officials in
his own government. 

A western diplomat said that Mr Karzai faced "serious
threats" from remnants of the Taleban and al-Qaeda and
from the country’s volatile warlords. 

Afghanistan is in the process of training a new
multi-ethnic national army, but it will be smaller
than many of the private armies maintained by warlords
who have been infuriated by Mr Karzai’s recent order
that they begin to disband their armies. The warlords
run their enclaves like mini-states, often without
regard for the central government even though some,
such as Mr Fahim, have positions in Mr Karzai’s

Mr Fahim, an ethnic Tajik who commanded the Northern
Alliance forces that chased the Taleban from Kabul
with US help last year, has an estimated 300 tanks and
500 armoured personnel carriers. Some western
diplomats consider his force as a possible threat to
Mr Karzai’s administration, although none alleged he
was part of any specific plot. They say that if Mr
Fahim wanted to topple Mr Karzai, he could easily
sweep aside the lightly armed International Security
Assistance Force. 

Yesterday, Mr Karzai, an ethnic Pashrun, named Mr
Fahim as the head of a 12-member commission in charge
of the forming of the new national army, state
television reported. 

The United States has started an 18-month training
programme to provide 11,500 troops for the new Afghan
army and border force. France is carrying out a
parallel programme. 

A new British-trained battalion provided security for
the Afghan grand council, or loya jirga, in June, but
more than one-third of the soldiers have since left
the unit because of lack of support from the defence
ministry, according to the United Nations. 

The United States is anxious to establish a
multi-ethnic army that will extend government control
nationwide. That will allow the Americans to consider
withdrawing their 7,000 troops without fears that the
country will descend into chaos.  

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