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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 1, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

The connection of the banking system to the meltdown on Wall 
Street has at last been dragged into the open with the 
revelation that Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase made secret 
deals with Enron to help cook its books.

These deals, in which the giant banks helped cover up 
Enron's losses, were not undertaken out of compassion or 
even a buddy-buddy mentality among the CEOs. They are 
evidence that the biggest banks resorted to criminal conduct 
in order to keep investors and the public at large from 
knowing how shaky the entire structure of monopoly 
capitalism was becoming.

Will the disaster now unfolding on Wall Street end in a 
grimly familiar scene: the twin towers of U.S. capitalism, 
the stock markets and the banks, swiftly crumbling right 
before the eyes of a horrified public?


In just 10 trading days in mid-July, beginning with the day 
President George W. Bush went to Wall Street to "calm 
investors' fears," the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 
nearly 1,500 points, or 16 percent. The carnage in New York 
is now dragging down global markets as well.

More than two years of decline in the U.S. stock markets 
have already evaporated $7 TRILLION worth of paper wealth. 
This is nearly a year's worth of goods and services produced 
by the workers of this country.

How could this unimaginable volume of wealth just disappear?

In this chaotic economic system, the stock markets 
anticipate future production.

It is true that they can move upward because of pure 
speculation, producing what is called a bubble. The easy 
credit of the last decade helped inflate stock prices. 
Eventually, prices rise far above the earnings of the 
companies, and the bubble can burst. This happens 

But this is not the decisive factor in the current sell-off, 
which has vaporized so much wealth, including the retirement 
funds of tens of millions of workers. It is a crisis of 

In a general way, it is the expansion of production that 
drives up the price of stocks. Had the capitalist economy 
continued to grow, the future wealth represented by high 
stock prices would have been realized.

However, the prices have dropped like a stone, especially 
over the last three months. Some $7 trillion in anticipated 
value has disappeared--not only because trend-setting big 
investors now expect production to decline, but also because 
they know that a depression will actually destroy a great 
deal of what value has already been produced.


Depression! Is that an appropriate word to describe the 
current crash and its effects?

Investor's Business Daily seems to think so. On July 3 the 
New York financial newspaper published a graph on its front 
page showing an uncanny resemblance between the movements of 
the Nasdaq high-tech market over the period 1992-2002 and 
the Dow Jones Industrial Average for 1921-32, the years of 
boom and bust that ushered in the Great Depression.

CBS MarketWatch on July 23 also referred to a depression. It 
reported that "Analysts at research and money management 
firm Bridgewater Associates point out that this is the first 
time since 1930 that the stock market has fallen in the face 
of aggressive Fed easing [the lowering of interest rates by 
the Federal Reserve Bank--DG].

" 'In that sense, we are in uncharted waters. Clinically 
speaking, a recession is an economic contraction brought on 
by tightening and ended by easing. A depression is a self-
reinforcing economic contraction, perpetuated by debt 
liquidation in which central bank easing is impotent to 
reverse the contraction. Recent market action is symptomatic 
of depression,' Bridgewater pointed out."

Actually, these turbulent waters are not completely 
uncharted. This country has been in a depression before.


In a depression, factories and offices stand idle, sometimes 
abandoned. The equipment in them grows obsolete or rots 
away. Even brand-new goods, like today's computers and their 
software, sit on the shelves only to finally be thrown away, 
outmoded long before they could have been sold.

In the Great Depression of the 1930s, this destruction of 
goods and the equipment and facilities used to produce them 
led to outrageous scenes of oranges being dumped in the sea 
and wheat plowed under, even as hungry people lined up for a 
bowl of thin soup and a crust of bread. Agriculture had 
become very productive, but this bounty of nature could not 
be sold--not at a profit, anyway. The bosses preferred to 
have it destroyed than give it to hungry people.

The capitalist market could not meet people's most basic 
needs. Almost 30 percent of the workers were unemployed--
human beings cast out just like the machines that were no 
longer needed. Without jobs, millions couldn't afford food, 
clothing or shelter.

A generalized capitalist crisis can also bring on an even 
greater destruction of the wealth produced over generations 
by the working class: it can lead to war.

Directly after the Great Depression came World War II. In 
addition to the tens of millions of lives lost, there was 
widespread destruction of the means of production. Intense 
competition for markets and resources among the huge 
corporations and banks of different capitalist countries had 
led to the war. This competition was resolved in the most 
horrible way, through wholesale destruction of factories, 
farms and infrastructure.

The countries being fought over as the spoils of that war--
the colonized nations of Africa and Asia--had nothing to 
gain and everything to lose. Their people were left starving 
and their territories in ruins after the armies of the 
competing exploiters swept through.


Everyone in the capitalist establishment, from CEOs to 
analysts and politicians, is treating the market collapse as 
a psychological phenomenon. If only investor "confidence" 
could be turned around, they say, the market rebound would 
make everything all right.

They point hopefully to signs that consumers are still 
buying homes and other items. What they are ignoring, 
however, is that depressions don't start because consumers 
suddenly, inexplicably lose "confidence."

They start because of overproduction, which is brought on by 
the overbuilding of the means of production by the huge 
corporations. They are all trying to undercut each other by 
using the latest technology in order to produce cheaper than 
their competitors. This investment in technology expands the 
means of production at a breakneck pace that sooner or later 
ends in a catastrophe.

Fed chair Alan Greenspan himself, in testimony to Congress 
on July 16, confirmed that it was overproduction in the area 
of capital goods like fiber-optic cables and computers that 
was pulling the market down.

Once the markets starts to plunge, then layoffs of workers 
and caution among consumers can have a snowballing effect as 
they stop buying. But, as Karl Marx pointed out long ago, 
the crisis begins not in consumption but in production 


The latest phase of this tumultuous market contraction 
started when the role of the banks in Enron's dirty deals 
became public.

Examiners for the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on 
Investigations and shareholders' lawyers say that the banks 
structured billions of dollars of transactions for Enron in 
a way that hid the company's growing indebtedness.

The latest revelation involved a "handshake" deal between 
Citigroup and Enron code-named Roosevelt that allowed the 
energy company to conceal a $500-million loan it got from 
the bank by listing it as a commodity transaction.

Senate investigator Robert Roach told a hearing of the 
investigative panel of the Senate Governmental Affairs 
Committee on July 23 that, "The evidence indicates that 
Enron would not have been able to engage in the extent of 
the accounting deceptions it did, involving billions of 
dollars, were it not for the active participation of major 
financial institutions willing to go along with and even 
expand upon Enron's activities."

Roach said there also is evidence that some of the banks 
"knowingly allowed investors'' to rely on Enron financial 
statements they knew were misleading.

According to the July 23 Associated Press, "The banks used 
complex financial schemes to boost Enron's anemic cash flow 
to match its profit growth on paper, according to lawmakers. 
The energy-trading company recorded the money from the bank 
loans as prepaid trades of natural gas and other commodities 
with an entity based in the Channel Islands off Britain."

Besides Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase, the shareholders' 
suit named Credit Suisse First Boston USA Inc., Canadian 
Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of America Corp., Merrill 
Lynch & Co., Lehman Brothers Holding Inc., Britain's 
Barclays Bank PLC and Germany's Deutsche Bank AG.

The AP story added, "Houston-based Enron, which filed for 
bankruptcy in December, taking the investments of millions 
of people with it, used a web of thousands of off-balance-
sheet partnerships to hide some $1 billion in debt from 
investors and federal regulators."

All this crooked finagling was to hide another feature that 
Marx showed triggers a capitalist crisis: a falling rate of 


What can the working class and all those whose lives are 
ripped up by an economic crisis do to stop the super-rich 
ruling class from dumping this one on their heads?

In the 1930s, the first reaction of stunned shock gave way 
to anger and eventually mass action. It soon became clear 
that all the promises made by the great captains of industry 
and finance that the crisis would be short-lived were just 
deceptions. They were trying to cover themselves while they 
worked feverishly to make sure their own fortunes were 
secure--in the same way the Enron executives and the others 
have been doing.

The working class became more organized, militant and 
cohesive as the depression deepened. They organized as the 
unemployed, as tenants, as farm workers, and in the 
factories. Huge crowds stopped evictions by putting people's 
furniture back in their homes. Workers went on strike and 
eventually sat in the factories to demand higher wages and 
union recognition.

They also put demands on the government to provide jobs as 
well as food, shelter and clothing for the unemployed. The 
capitalist government responded with different tactics, 
first using repression, then some concessions. The objective 
was the same: to divert the workers from taking over what 
they had built and running it for the good of all, not the 
profits of a few.

The working class movement of the 1930s, powerful as it was, 
with a long-lasting impact through such programs as Social 
Security, welfare and unemployment insurance, did not unseat 
the ruling class from its positions of economic and 
political power. It did not liberate the means of production 
from the hands of the privileged super-rich few, whose 
wealth had been amassed directly from the labor of the 

The inability of the working class--not just in the United 
States but in Europe and other centers of world imperialism--
to overturn capitalist rule allowed the exploiting class to 
resolve the depression through the most horrendous war the 
world had ever seen.

The present deepening crisis is sure to arouse the workers 
in the U.S. and around the world, at first in a defensive 
struggle against the miseries inflicted on them by the 
capitalist system. It carries within it the potential, 
however, of making such a crack in this rotten system that 
the workers and all humanity will be able to widen it and 
pour through.

Capitalism must be replaced by its opposite: a society based 
on social ownership of the means of production, administered 
democratically by the masses of workers themselves and not 
by a tiny elite who have shown that they will do anything, 
no matter how heinous, in the pursuit of profit.

- END -

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