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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jürgen Elsässer)
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                The Lies of Nato - now out on sale in Italy
Date sent:              Sun, 15 Sep 2002 22:57:48 +0200

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

It’s a pleasure for me to announce the italian edition of my book

NATO‘s Deadly Lies and its Victims in the Kosovo Conflict”

Under the title “Menzogne di Guerra” it is now out on sale, published
by Edizione Citta del Sole in Napoli (you find details below). After
the serbian edition “Ratni Zlocini” it is the second translation,
books in french and in greek are in preparation.

The book had four editions in German, although the mainstream press in
Germny tried to ignore it. The response abroad was better. “Die
Presse”, a big daily in Vienna, wrote: “If (German foreign minister)
Fischer has to resign, than it is because of this book.” “Nin”, the
famous weekly of Serbia, reprinted four parts of the book. Slobodan
Milosevic quoted the book several times I the Hague.

On my website you can find excerpts of the
book in German and Serbian and the index of the italian edition. If
you can help finding a publisher in the United Kindom,  United States
or elsewhere, I would be pleased.

You can try to order the book in your bookstore with the help of the
ISDN-Number. German: Juergen Elsaesser, Kriegsverbrechen. Die
toedlichen Luegen der Bundesregierung und ihre Opfer im
Kosovo-Konflikt. Konkret Verlag, Hamburg, 4. Auflage 2001 (ISBN
3-930786-29-X) Serbian: Jirgen Elzeser, Ratni Zlocini - Bestidne laži
i žrtve NATO-a u kosovskom sukobu, Publisher Jasen, Niksic, 2002 (Tel.
+381-83-212453) Italian: Juergen Elsaesser, Menzogne di Guerra - Le
bugie della NATO e le loro vittime nel conflitto per il Kosovo, La
Citta' del Sole, Napoli 2002, ISBN 88-8292-183-2

Or you can order the book in any language directly from me. Please
send 20 € to: Redaktion KONKRET, for Juergen Elsaesser, Ruhrstr.111,
D.22761 Hamburg.

Below you find:
·       An english abstract
·       My biography in english
·       The italian index
·       My lecturing dates in Italy.

------------------------ An english
abstract --------------------------------

»Never before so few lied so thoroughly to so many, as in connection
with the Kosovo war«, says Willy Wimmer, member of the CDU party in
the German Bundestag. »People died for this.«

No lie seemed too grotesque to start the slaughter and keep it going:
Milosevic as the new Hitler, concentration camps in Pristina,
Auschwitz in Kosovopolje. Whereas NATO and CNN took the trouble to
provide fabricated video documents, the German Minister of Defense
sought to convince by mere force of words: Mister Scharping‘s
portrayal of Serbs playing football with the heads of their Abanian
victims or Serbs grilling foetuses, torn from their mothers‘ wombs
will go down in the annals of psychopathology. Finally miracles of
biblical dimensions: massacred Albanian intellectuals hold post mortem
press conferences in Western capitals; ghost trains suddenly appear on
scarcely used tracks and bore their way into NATO-missiles; mass
graves are found as empty as Our Lord‘s vault on the third day.

What is left? »In the nine months after stationing of KFOR in Kosovo
nothing could be found to sustain the indictment of ›genocide‹ « (Le
Monde Diplomatique, March 2000) . In the light of new evidence and
with the aid of previously unaccessible documents Juergen Elsaesser
questions NATO‘s justification for the war.

Elsaesser proves the thesis that the first victim of war is the truth
to be wrong. For the truth dies long before a war starts: It was the
lies about Srebrenica, about Racak, about Rambouillet and about the
so-called apartheid in Kosovo that deceived members of parliament and
citizens alike and led them into a murderous adventure. NATO was made
the »air force in an ethnic « (Henry Kissinger ) and brought the KLA
into power. The result: Pristina is purged, ethnic monirities have
been driven out of Kosovo, chaos rules in the streets, the KLA‘s
secret police is everywhere, and the few remaining survivors fear in
ghettos for their lives. Indeed, nobody talks now of »humanitarian
catastrophe«, »ethnic cleansing« or »genocide« and not surprisingly
so: to acknowledge the disgrace of the last war would impede
preparations for the next.

About the autor

Juergen Elsaesser was born in 1957. Until June 1997 he was chief
editor of Berlin‘s daily newspaper Junge Welt and from April 1999 on
has been editor of the monthly magazin Konkret, Germany‘s most
important magazine of an independent Left since 1957 . He also works
as a freelance journalist, amongst others for the Allgemeine Juedische
Wochenzeitung, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, the state television WDR and
the Kursbuch.

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L'Oceania fa la guerra

"La rampa di Srebrenica"
La preparazione della guerra Nato contro la Jugoslavia iniziò nel 1995

I combattenti per la libertà
Il terrore dell'UCK prima della guerra e la disinformazione
dell'opinione pubblica occidentale

Racak: il silenzio della signora Ranta
I verbali delle autopsie dei 40 cadaveri di Racak, finora segreti,
smentiscono la versione Nato di un massacro serbo

Che cosa accadde a Rambouillet?

Wag the dog
Come la Nato escogitò una campagna serba di espulsioni - "l'Operazione
a ferro di cavallo"

Sesso, bugie e videotape
Le armi miracolose della Nato contro la propaganda di Milosevic

Dove sono i Killing Fields?
Propaganda bellica tramite comunicati di centinaia di migliaia di
Albanesi del Kosovo massacrati

Fosse comuni dimenticate
Gli "effetti collaterali" della guerra di bombardamento e il cinismo
dei responsabili

Depleted Credibility
La discussione occidentale sulle munizioni all'uranio é ipocrita e
mira a rendere ancora più efficace la propria condotta bellica.

Il fascismo albanese
La favola del futuro multietnico del Kosovo, protettorato Nato

Droghe e oleodotti
Con la guerra dei separatisti albanesi contro la Macedonia si vuole
erigere la Grande Albania - e controllare le vie dell'eroina e del


"La libanizzazione del Paese"
Comunicati stampa internazionali e perizie sulla situazione in Kosovo
fra l'inizio degli Anni Settanta e l'inizio degli Anni Novanta

"Un trattamento peggiore non poté essere accertato"
Il Ministero degli Esteri tedesco sulla situazione in Kosovo dal 1990
alla fine del 1997

"Difficile distinzione fra combattenti dell'UCK e civili"
Il Ministero degli Esteri tedesco sull'escalation in Kosovo dalla
primavera 1998

Jürgen Elsässer
Montagne di cadaveri per sentito dire
Un'analisi dello studio dell'OSCE "As Seen - As Told" sulle violazioni
dei diritti umani in Kosovo



ROMA 25/9/2002 ore 11:00
Associazione della Stampa Estera, Sala Soci, Via della Mercede 55

NAPOLI 25/9/2002 ore 17:30
Centro Culturale "La Citta' del Sole", Via dei Tribunali 362 (palazzo

ROMA 26/9/2002 ore 17:00
Universita' "La Sapienza", Facolta' di Sociologia,
Via Salaria 113, aula "Mauro Wolf" (primo piano a sinistra in fondo)

BOLOGNA 27/9/2002 ore 20:30
sala Benjamin, via del Pratello 52

MILANO 28/9/2002 ore 18:00
Circolo Marchesi,  Via Spallanzani 6 (presso p.ta Venezia)

TORINO 29/9/2002
orario e luogo da definire

A cura di
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Edizioni "La Citta' del Sole": Telefono e fax 081-4206374

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