
War could enter Yemen, Somalia

More than 800 U.S. troops, including Army Green Berets
and a Delta Force "snatch team," are preparing to
capture or kill suspected al- Qaeda fugitives in at
least two countries in the Horn of Africa 

By Jack Kelley and Dave Moniz, USA TODAY 
WASHINGTON 09/19/2002 — More than 800 U.S. troops,
including Army Green Berets and a Delta Force "snatch
team," are preparing to capture or kill suspected
al-Qaeda fugitives in at least two countries in the
Horn of Africa, U.S. military and intelligence
officials said Wednesday. 
Several dozen midlevel members of Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaeda terrorist network are believed to be hiding
in Yemen, a longtime base for al-Qaeda operatives and
a sanctuary for others who fled the U.S.- led war on
terror in Afghanistan. The planned operation in the
region would be a major new front in the military war
on terrorism, which has been largely focused on
The soldiers, joined by CIA paramilitaries, are
expected to move against al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen,
bin Laden's ancestral homeland, and Somalia, Pentagon
officials said. Military action also is being
considered in Sudan and Djibouti, U.S. intelligence
officials added. 
The Pentagon has dispatched the Marine Corps
amphibious assault ship USS Belleau Wood off the coast
of Yemen to act as a floating platform for the
assaults, military officials say. It also has deployed
more than a dozen attack helicopters to the region. 
Edmund Hull, the U.S. ambassador to Yemen, and Army
Gen. Tommy Franks, head of the U.S. Central Command,
are negotiating with Yemeni officials on a joint
effort to hunt terror suspects there, the intelligence
officials said. The CIA would run the operation. 
Yemen denied Wednesday that U.S. troops would hunt for
al-Qaeda fugitives there. "Yemen's position is clear:
Yemeni forces are the ones responsible for conducting
any operations — be they searches or attacks," a
Yemeni official told Reuters. 
The U.S. troops are at a French military base in
Djibouti, a small African nation across the Red Sea
from Yemen. They are awaiting orders, Pentagon
officials said. Military and intelligence officials
discussed the planned action after ABC News reported
the deployments Tuesday. 
Yemen has been under U.S. scrutiny since October 2000,
when the bombing of the USS Cole killed 17 U.S.
sailors in Aden. Officials blame al-Qaeda. 
Last week, Pakistan said eight of 10 recently captured
members of al- Qaeda, including alleged Sept. 11
coordinator Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, were from Yemen. The
ringleader of a suspected al-Qaeda cell in upstate New
York also may be hiding in Yemen, officials add.

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