Wednesday, 2 October, 2002, 15:58 GMT 16:58 UK
'Call Saddam's bluff' urges Clinton

Bill Clinton talking at the Labour conference in Blackpool
Former US President Bill Clinton has stressed the need to strengthen the
United Nations and to "call Saddam Hussein's bluff" with tough new
inspections demands.
In a speech lavishing praise on Tony Blair's stance on Iraq he told Labour
members in Blackpool that although the Iraqi leader posed a real threat to
the world, using force against him should be a last resort.
 Saddam Hussein as usual is bobbing and weaving - we should call his bluff
Bill Clinton
His call came after UK foreign secretary Jack Straw told BBC News Online
that the UK would press for "much tougher" weapons inspections regulations
for Iraq than the "defective" ones agreed by the UN inspectors and Baghdad.
Both the UK and the US have said they will oppose the resumption of
inspection until the UN Security Council lays down some tougher rules -
including the threat of military action if the inspectors are unable to do
their jobs.
Russia on the other hand has welcomed the deal, which it says paves the way
for the inspectors' return.
Iraq's deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz responded to the US reaction by
saying they were afraid of letting inspectors in because they knew they
would find no illegal weapons.
Ovation for Clinton
The excitement surrounding Mr Clinton's visit to Blackpool was shown by a
huge standing ovation from delegates before Tony Blair even had the chance
to introduce his close political and personal friend.
As well as calling for a more integrated world and urging support for Mr
Blair's Iraq policies, Mr Clinton extolled the virtues of the Blairite
"Third Way" philosophy.
And he said Northern Ireland's peace moves had brought peace to people
across the world.
But it was the passages he devoted to the Iraq crisis that attracted the
most attention.
 Tony Blair's wife Cherie with actor Kevin Spacey
The UN had to insist on unrestricted access for weapons inspectors, argued
Mr Clinton on the day the US and UK rejected Iraq's latest inspections
"Saddam Hussein as usual is bobbing and weaving," he said. "We should call
his bluff.
"The UN should call for a complete and unrestricted set of inspections with
a new resolution.
"If the inspections go forward, and I hope they will, perhaps we can avoid a
Inspections had done more to tackle the build-up of weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq than the Gulf War, he said.
"I believe we have to stay at this business until we get all those
biological and chemical weapons out of there."
'Becoming institutions'
The west was not blameless in the problems affecting the Iraqi people, he
argued, saying there had been "hardly a peep" over the gassing of the Kurds.
In a speech dominated by an internationalist message, Mr Clinton argued for
action to be taken through the UN.
The UN, however, was still "becoming", he said.
 Blair praised Clinton's political skills
"We've only had 10 years to make it work" and there were still people in the
UN who voted according to the sort of narrow national self-interests seen in
the Cold War.
The UK and US had acted over Kosovo despite Russia vetoeing a UN resolution
because of its historic links with the Serbs, he recalled.
Mr Clinton said that the European Union was also a "becoming" institution,
saying that both the UN and the EU would be different in nature in five to
ten years.
He told delegates about his recent visit to Africa, using it to illustrate
the interdependent nature of the world.
The number one test for people of all nations was to move from an
interdependent world to global community with shared values, he argued.
Burger bar
Like Mr Blair, a disciple of the Third Way, the ex-president said the best
thing going for the philosophy was that it worked.
The former president had arrived in Blackpool on Tuesday along with film
star Kevin Spacey.
At a reception hosted by Mr Blair the Oscar winner did a series of
impersonations of political figures for guests at the party.
Together with Downing Street communications director Alastair Campbell, the
pair paid a visit to a McDonalds restaurant where they ate burgers and
gladhanded surprised diners.



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