
Hey all,

here's a report prepared by some of the statisticians at the ICTY who worked on the 
Krstic case.  They claim that their minimum estimate of those missing is around 7,500. 
 Of course you have to read on to see the following:

"Approximately 1,900 bodies Srebrenica-related have been exhumed so far but only about 
70 of them have been identified. Almost all of these appear on our list of 
Srebrenica-related missing persons. The age distributions of the Srebrenica-related 
missing persons and the exhumed bodies are very similar (figure 4), indicating that 
the exhumed bodies are a random sample of the persons assumed to be killed after the 
fall of the enclave. It is not surprising that there are some differences between the 
two distributions, however, considering both the sample variance and the uncertainties 
involved in estimating the age of an exhumed body, especially since the estimates are 
often based on fragments of bodies found in secondary graves. Nevertheless, the 
relatively close correspondence supports a conclusion that the missing people are 

Assuming that all the bodies are those of Bosniac males (and none belong to those 
Serbs killed by Oric and his men), the amount of exhumed bodies falls closer to the 
2,000-2,500 range claimed by the Republic of Srpska authorities who claim these men 
where killed in combat than NATO's estimate of 7500.  This leaves about 5000 
unaccounted for in the ICTYs figures.  If we take into consideration the 5000 men who 
appeared in Tuzla and the 3000 that voted after Dayton, as well as the 850 that fled 
to Yugoslavia, this means around 6000-9000 men survived the enclaves fall (6-9000 b/c 
of potential overlap between those who appeared in Tuzla and FRY and those who voted). 
 This portion would explain the fall from 15,000 dead reported in the press after the 
enclaves fall, to 7,000 or 8,000 "missing" in news reports on the enclave. Therefore 
there is still 5000 unaccounted for in either mass-graves or having appeared elswhere. 
 According to the tribunal these are men who have remained missing even after we 
factor in the amount that showed up elsewhere.  Some questions pose themselves:

- what was the population of men in the enclave before it fell? [the pop. of the 
enclave has been quoted as 25-30,000, can we assume that half of the population where 
men? or where there other factors that led to some sort of gender disparity?]
- of these men how many where armed? [estimates on this question run between 1500-5000]

These questions may help us determine what the gender structure was before the 
enclaves fall and compare it to the current one.  Press reports repeatedly claim that 
4000-5000 bodies are lying in Tuzla waiting for identification, although nobody has 
seen these bodies (some of the exumed are in Tuzla morgue, but these are already 
counted in the 1,900 exumed).  These are all very difficult questions and the answers 
aren't coming.  The very difficulty in establising the truth about Srebrenica, should, 
of course, however cast doubt on the official story.



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