
Teheran Times
October 7, 2002

Turkey to Consider Military Response If Iraqi Kurds
Seek Independence 

-Turkey has acknowledged that it already has a certain
number of soldiers in northern Iraq.

ANKARA -- Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit warned
on Sunday that his country could consider a military
response to a possible independence bid by Kurds in
neighboring northern Iraq, Anatolia News Agency

"Our eyes will be fixed on northern Iraq and we will
take the necessary measures even if the slightest
negative development emerges," Ecevit told TV8
television in an interview, the text of which was
carried by Anatolia. Asked whether the measures could
include a military operation, Ecevit said: "I hope
not, but if it becomes necessary this could be
considered, of course."

Turkey has acknowledged that it already has a certain
number of soldiers in northern Iraq.

Ankara has recently issued warnings on a daily basis
to the Iraqi Kurds, who have been running northern
Iraq outside Baghdad's authority and under the
protection of a U.S.-enforced no-fly zone since the
1991 Persian Gulf War.

Turkey worries they could move toward independence if
the United States topples Saddam Hussein, setting an
example for its own Kurds in adjoining southeastern

The two main factions controlling northern Iraq -- the
Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic
Union of Kurdistan (PUK) -- have agreed on a draft
constitution for a future Arab-Kurdish federation in

The two groups, which are among opposition forces
Washington is trying to unite against Baghdad,
convened their regional Parliament for the first time
in six years on Friday.

Ecevit cast doubt on KDP and PUK assurances that they
do not seek independence, Reuters said.

"The Kurdish population in northern Iraq has
accomplished almost everything what characterizes a
state, except for national currency.

And of course this is making us tense ... they give
certain assurances, but I have doubts about how
sincere they are," he said.

Turkey's fears over a possible Kurdish state in the
region lies at the core of its opposition to U.S.
plans to change the regime in Baghdad.

It has accused Washington of encouraging the Iraqi
Kurds to move toward independence.

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