
[The so-called Axis of Evil hit list has recently been
expanded by the US State Department and White House to
include, in addition to the first generation of
targets - Iraq, Iran and North Korea - any number of
nations accused (without evidence) of everything from
making unprocessed uranium available to alleged North
Korean and Iraqi agents to selling radar and assorted
dual use equipment to the original Evil Triad or in
some other murky and undisclosed manner contributing
As of midnight today, the list includes Russia,
Ukraine, Syria, Belarus, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Armenia,
Gabon, Namibia, South Africa and the Bosnian Serb
Republic, with the latter's probably last remaining
industrial plant being raided by NATO-SFOR soldiers
yesterday in the name of saving the world from
imminent nuclear incineration.]

Damascus demands US ambassador explain Washington's
anti-Syria comments 

-The relations between Syria and the United States
have been strained since summer by the US push to
invade neighbouring Iraq as well as the US Congress'
call to impose sanctions on Syria for backing armed
militant groups opposed to Israel.
"The United States knows that Syria adheres to the
nuclear non-proliferation treaty and welcomes
delegations from the International Atomic Energy
Agency whose reports attest that the Syrian nuclear
programme is devoted only to civilian activities,"
SANA said.

DAMASCUS, Oct 13 (AFP) - The Syrian foreign ministry
lodged a formal complaint with the US ambassador here
against the State Department's branding Syrian-Russian
nuclear cooperation a threat to US interests, the
state's SANA news agency reported.

"The minister demanded from US ambassador Theodore
Kattouf an official explanation of the (recent)
declarations of a US State Department spokesman," SANA

The State Department said Friday it has held
longstanding concerns about Syria's nuclear and
missile programs and Russian assistance to them.

"It is a matter of public record that the United
States is concerned about Russian cooperation with
Syria's nuclear and missile programs," spokesman
Richard Boucher told reporters.

Syria is one of seven countries the United States has
designated a "state sponsor of terrorism" but US
officials have generally not focused on its nascent
missile and nuclear programs as an area of concern.

The relations between Syria and the United States have
been strained since summer by the US push to invade
neighbouring Iraq as well as the US Congress' call to
impose sanctions on Syria for backing armed militant
groups opposed to Israel.

"The United States knows that Syria adheres to the
nuclear non-proliferation treaty and welcomes
delegations from the International Atomic Energy
Agency whose reports attest that the Syrian nuclear
programme is devoted only to civilian activities,"
SANA said.

The Syria foreign ministry also accused Washington of
turning a blind eye to Israel's possession of nuclear
weapons. The ministry said it was "disturbed by the
military cooperation between Israel and the United
States as well as Washington's silence on Israel's
nuclear programme."

"Israel still refuses to submit its installations to
international inspections. It is the only Middle
Eastern state that possesses nuclear arms as several
reports conducted by the United States attest," it

Israel has never formally admitted its possession of
nuclear weapons, which it is believed to have achieved
in the 1950s with assistance from France.

In 1995 Israeli pressure on Argentina prevented it
selling Syria a low-power nuclear reactor for
non-military use.

US says it is concerned about Syrian nuclear and
missile programs 

-"Broader access to the expertise of Russian entities
could provide opportunities for Syria to expand its
indigenous capabilities, should it decide to pursue
nuclear weapons," Boucher told reporters.
"While Iran's programs for weapons of mass destruction
are much larger than Syria's, and we have therefore
devoted a great deal of attention to Russian
cooperation with Iran's weapons of mass destruction
programs, the more general problem of weapons of mass
destruction development and proliferation is an area
of key concern for this administration." 

WASHINGTON, Oct 11 (AFP) - The United States said
Friday it has held longstanding concerns about Syria's
nuclear and missile programs and Russian assistance to

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said
comments made on the subject earlier this week by
Under Secretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton
were in line with past US policy, despite little
having been said about it previously.

"It is a matter of public record that the United
States is concerned about Russian cooperation with
Syria's nuclear and missile programs," Boucher told
reporters when asked why Bolton had mentioned the
topic in Congressional testimony.

However, he allowed that Washington had placed greater
emphasis on Russia's cooperation on such projects with
Iran, but said the Syrian programs were also of

"Broader access to the expertise of Russian entities
could provide opportunities for Syria to expand its
indigenous capabilities, should it decide to pursue
nuclear weapons," Boucher told reporters.

"While Iran's programs for weapons of mass destruction
are much larger than Syria's, and we have therefore
devoted a great deal of attention to Russian
cooperation with Iran's weapons of mass destruction
programs, the more general problem of weapons of mass
destruction development and proliferation is an area
of key concern for this administration," he said.

"We are concerned about proliferant states gaining
access to Russian technology and expertise, and Syria
is a country of concern in this regard," he said.

Syria is one of seven countries the United States has
designated a "state sponsor of terrorism" but US
officials have generally not focused on its nascent
missile and nuclear programs as an area of concern.

Iran, by contrast, is not only a "state sponsor of
terrorism" in US eyes, but is also a charter member of
President George W. Bush's "axis of evil" along with
Iraq and North Korea.

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