
Middle East Newsline
Ocotober 14, 2002


NICOSIA [MENL] -- Iran launches a major military
exercise meant to deter Iraq and the United States
amid the rising prospects of war.

Officials said the Iranian military began a three-day
exercise near Qom on Friday. They said the maneuvers
would include ground troops supported by air

Iranian commanders said the exercise was meant to
demonstrate Iran's military capability in an effort to
deter Teheran's enemies. The reference appeared to
focus on the United States, which Teheran fears will
launch an attack during or after a war against Iraq.

"The three-day exercise consists of maneuvers by
various units of ground forces aimed at displaying the
country's latest military achievements, as well as
promoting defensive capabilities," Iranian army
commander Brig. Gen. Nasser Mohammadi-Far said. "The
enemy should know that we will retaliate against any
move. We are preparing so that no enemy will dare
attack us." 

Tehran Times
October 14, 2002

British MP Reveals Anglo-American Plan to Break Up
Saudi Arabia, Sudan 

TEHRAN -- In a speech at the American University of
Beirut, George Galloway, a British Labour MP, revealed
what he called were joint U.S. and British plans for
breaking up Saudi Arabia and Sudan.

"American and British leaders are in the process of
carrying out plans to break up Saudi Arabia and Sudan,
and also expand Jordan's borders to areas in central
Iraq," Galloway said in his speech published by the
Lebanese daily ***Al-Bayan*** and quoted by IRNA in a
dispatch from Beirut yesterday. Galloway, a Scottish
member of Parliament who is known for his views
opposing the imperial policies of the United States,
also sharply criticized some Arab leaders and
organizations and called on Arabs in certain countries
to "overthrow their oppressive governments."

"The entire world has protested against and condemned
the United States and its policies, but you do
nothing. How do you watch the current events and don't
take any action in opposing them?" Galloway asked his
audience of university students. Meanwhile, in a
related story, a Syrian lawyer said yesterday the U.S.
is planning to break up "certain countries of the
region once it has attacked Iraq."

IRNA quoted Mamdouh Rahmoun in Beirut as calling on
Middle Eastern countries to promote solidarity among
themselves in face of continuing U.S. and Israeli
warlike policies in the region.

He also said that Turkey will never survive the
hostile policies of the White House, and that the U.S.
is planning to break up Turkey as well.


Dawn (Pakistan)
October 14, 2002

Syria angry about US stance on its N-plan 

DAMASCUS, Oct 13: The Syrian foreign ministry demanded
on Sunday that US ambassador Theodore Kattouf explain
his country's expression of concern about Syria's
nuclear programme, a ministry statement said. 

"A formal complaint was presented to him over what is
being circulated by State Department spokesmen on
Syrian-Russian cooperation in the field of nuclear
research," the statement said. 

It was referring to remarks by US Undersecretary of
State John Bolton last week to a Senate committee.
Bolton said: "We remain very concerned that the
nuclear and missile programmes of Iran and others,
including Syria, continue to receive the benefits of
Russian technology and expertise." 

Washington brands both Syria and Iran as state
sponsors of "terrorism". 

State Department officials said last week they had no
immediate explanation for Bolton's expression of
concern about the Syrian programme. 

They referred inquiries to a CIA report which says the
Syrian nuclear programme is for research and civilian
purposes, notes Syria has signed the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty and is under comprehensive
safeguards through the International Atomic Energy

"The (foreign) ministry requested a formal explanation
at a time when the United States knows this," the
Syrian statement said. 

"It expressed its strong distaste for cooperation
between the United States and Israel in various arms
fields, and for US silence on the Israeli nuclear

Syria's relations with Washington have been strained
during the US "war on terrorism", which Washington
says also targets the Lebanese Hizbollah guerrillas
and radical Palestinian groups that Damascus backs. 

Bolton, who is in charge of arms control and
international security at the State Department, is a
hawk suspicious of multilateral arms control

He caused a stir earlier this year by saying that Cuba
has a programme to develop biological weapons. Many
analysts said there was no credible evidence for the

Turkish Daily News
October 14, 2002

Ecevit accuses US of steering Kurds 

Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit on Sunday accused the
United States of steering independence seeking Kurds
and has declared that the "situation in northern Iraq
has gotten out of hand." 

On Friday the prime minister warned in a TV interview
that Iraqi Kurds are "out of control" after they
reportedly agreed on a draft constitution ahead of
possible U.S. strike against Iraq. 

Daily Milliyet and other newspapers reported Saturday
that two Kurdish factions controlling most of northern
Iraq met this week and drafted a constitution for a
federal Kurdish region in northern Iraq. The
constitution allegedly outlined Kurdish and Arabic as
official languages in the region and named Kirkuk, an
oil-rich city currently not under Kurdish control, as
the regional capital. 

Asked about the Kurdish meetings, Ecevit said: "The
situation is out of control ... A constitution has
emerged in a deceiving way. It's a worrying situation
that we can't accept." 

"We need to talk in detail about this with the United
States," Ecevit said. 

On Sunday, however, the prime minister took a tougher
stand and told the Milliyet that the U.S. was not only
"encouraging" the Kurds but it was also steering them.

Ecevit apparently clarified his remarks saying that
the situation in northern Iraq has gone out of control
saying, "Turkey is being dragged into a war against
its will in Iraq." 

He said: "We can say that a Kurdish state has been
founded in northern Iraq. Turkey cannot accept their
draft constitution in any way." 

He said the developments in Iraq go way beyond a
security issue and has a political aspect: "We do not
want to enter a war but we are being dragged into it.
The U.S. is not only encouraging the Kurdish groups in
northern Iraq but is actually steering them." 

He said, "We have to discuss this issue with
Washington at length." 

Some analysts claimed Ecevit feels the U.S. would
encourage the Kurds to declare independence and draw
reluctant Turkey into the fight in Iraq. 

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz said
Turkey has to participate in any operation against
Iraq on the side of the U.S: "The events in Iraq will
influence us whether we participate in the operation
against Iraq or not. If we participate we will gain
and if we don't we'll lose," Yilmaz told a TV
interview on Sunday. 


Gulf Daily News (Bahrain)
October 14, 2002

Turks protest against blitz  
-However, Ecevit's deputy, Mesut Yilmaz, said Turkey
should join US forces in an attack on Iraq. 


Hundreds of people took to the streets of Istanbul
yesterday to demonstrate against military intervention
in Iraq amid growing popular opposition to a possible
US-led attack, the Anatolia news agency reported.

Protesters at the demonstration, organised by the
left-wing opposition Freedom and Solidarity party
(ODP), shouted slogans such as "We will not be
America's soldiers" and "USA - hands off the Middle

"We will not stand by and watch (the US attack Iraq)
as a pretext for the US to take control of the
region's oil reserves," ODP leader Ufuk Uras said.

There is growing indignation at the prospect of US
military intervention in Iraq among Turkey's military
leaders, civil society groups and government.

Turkey fears the economic fallout of a new regional
conflict as well as the prospect of an independent
Kurdish region in northern Iraq if its leader Saddam
Hussein is removed.

"We don't want to see our young men killed," Prime
Minister Bulent Ecevit said yesterday in a television
interview, adding that Turkey had "already suffered
great loss of life" over 15 years of conflict with
Kurdish separatist rebels.

However, Ecevit's deputy, Mesut Yilmaz, said Turkey
should join US forces in an attack on Iraq. 

Financial Times
October 11, 2002

UN says war on Iraq would hit West Bank aid 
By David Buchan and David Gardner 

War over Iraq would increase tensions between Israelis
and Palestinians, and make it even harder to get food
and basic services to people in the occupied
territories, a senior United Nations official
predicted on Friday.

Peter Hansen, director of the UN Relief and Works
Agency (Unrwa), said his agency was already facing
increasing problems in feeding and caring for 210,000
families in Gaza and the West Bank.

"I can only imagine the enormous difficulties of
getting food convoys through if there is full
mobilisation [by the Israeli army], rising tensions
and Scud missiles [from Iraq]," said Mr Hansen in
London, where he was seeking extra money from the UK
to help cover the contingency of a war over Iraq.

With Israeli army curfews over the past two years
hampering food distribution and shopping,
malnourishment among Palestinians is now on a par with
the crisis countries in Africa, he said.

Medical specialists from Johns Hopkins university in
the US have classified 13.2 per cent of Palestinian
children in Gaza as suffering from chronic
malnutrition and 22.5 per cent suffering from acute
malnutrition. These proportions are higher than in
Zimbabwe and the same as in Congo.

With two out of every three Palestinians now out of
work, Unrwa was also providing emergency employment to
some 49,000 people. "The enormous reduction in freedom
of movement is suffocating the economy, pushing half
the population into absolute poverty," Mr Hansen said.

Mr Hansen said he had appealed for an extra $179m (£
115m, €182m) in funding this year, but had received
only $93m in pledges so far.


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