
British Foreign Secretary Straw arrived for the
Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs speech fresh from a
whirlwind tour of Middle Eastern capitals drumming up
support for Bush's and Blair's intended war against
Iraq, reprising a role he had played last year in
beating the war drums for an attack against
Afghanistan. Much as his boss, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair has presented timely but unconvincing
'dossiers' on both occasions.
For what Secretary Straw is really talking about when
he pushes for an extended out of area regional and
ultimately global mission for NATO, see NATO Secretary
General Lord Robertson's speech of two days ago in
which, inter alia, he identifies NATO's new sphere of
influence as including "the Caucasus, Central Asia,
Northern Africa and the Middle East."

For information regarding NATO's expanding presence in
the Middle East and North Africa, see:

Regarding US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's
recent proposal for a 20,000 person NATO strike force
that can immediately be deployed "anywhere in the
world," see:

For "Four new land-based, rapidly deployable
headquarters capable of commanding forces of up to
60,000 personnel on operations," including one in
Turkey, near the Iraqi border, see:


BBC News
October 16, 2002

Europe urged to boost Nato spending

-Mr Straw said Nato should play a vigorous role at the
centre of the West's defences against the post-Cold
War threats of rogue states and international
-He urged European Nato members to use the alliance's
summit in Prague next month to deliver on commitments
to strengthen their military capabilities. 
-Mr Straw said Europe needed to invest more to make
Nato work - or risk relations with the US. 
-He urged "regular, close and systematic co-operation
with the US in Nato, higher and more focused defence
spending and greater efficiency in Europe's armed
-The Iraqi regime should be left under no illusion of
the consequences of non-compliance or the depth of our

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has warned European
countries they must raise defence spending to counter
world threats and maintain harmony with the US. 
Mr Straw said Nato should play a vigorous role at the
centre of the West's defences against the post-Cold
War threats of rogue states and international

And he warned that Europe's armed forces must play an
effective part in the Nato alliance, alongside the
United States. 

Speaking in Chicago, he said Europe was offering an
"increasingly inadequate response" to rogue states and
international terrorism. 

If the US continued to shoulder a disproportionate
military burden within the alliance it would prove a
"recipe for resentment", he warned. 

He urged European Nato members to use the alliance's
summit in Prague next month to deliver on commitments
to strengthen their military capabilities. 

Mr Straw told the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
that the Balkan and Kosovo conflicts had highlighted
glaring gaps between European and US forces, both in
terms of preparedness and technology. 

Diplomacy and aid 

He said during the 1990s, defence spending in most
European countries - apart from Britain and France -
had dropped below 2% of national income, compared to
about 3% in the US. 

Europe, said Mr Straw, had achieved "impressive
results" through the quiet promotion of democracy,
trade, foreign aid and peacekeeping. 

But this did not compensate for "effective armed
forces" when facing post-Cold War threats. 

Mr Straw said Europe needed to invest more to make
Nato work - or risk relations with the US. 

"A relationship where one side of the alliance
disproportionately shoulders the military burden is a
recipe for resentment," he said. 

Co-operation urged 

He urged "regular, close and systematic co-operation
with the US in Nato, higher and more focused defence
spending and greater efficiency in Europe's armed

This was "essential for the future of the alliance",
he said. 

Mr Straw, who earlier on Tuesday held talks in
Washington with US Secretary of State Colin Powell,
again emphasised the need to pursue the war against
international terrorism with "relentless
determination" following the Bali bomb attack. 

He also strongly backed US demands for Iraq to give up
its weapons of mass destruction or face military

Iraq 'resolve' 

"The Iraqi regime should be left under no illusion of
the consequences of non-compliance or the depth of our
resolve," he said. 

Relations between the US and European Nato members
have come under some strain since the war on terrorism
began following September 11. 

Many in Washington questioned Nato's relevance after
few member countries were able to support the US in
its war in Afghanistan. 

This was followed by disagreements over military
strategy on Iraq, which included a public spat between
the US and Germany. 

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