
[Regarding today's news reports that Ali Ahmeti, as
recently as 18 months ago identified by his current
sponsor Secretary General of NATO Lord Robertson as
the ringleader of a band of 'murderous thugs,'  will
now enter the federal cabinet of the government of
The following are excerpts from a piece written some
15 months ago.]

Human Rights Watch: Dear Mr. Ahmeti
by Rick Rozoff
August 1, 2001

In the interim between the deferential letter from
Ms.Carter to Mr. Ahmeti almost three months ago and
now, Ahmeti and his pan-Albanian mercenaries have
a full-scale insurrection throughout the nation,
ethnically cleansing dozens of villages and
contributing to the displacement of - by some
estimates - over 120,000 civilians, a sizeable
percentage of Macedonia's two million people. 

Who is Dear Mr. Ahmeti? 

For anyone not familiar with Mr. Ahmeti, whose history
suggests someone anything but dear, he possesses, to
employ an expression familiar to the American if not
the Albanian underworld, a rap sheet as long as his
Regarding his recent activties, in addition to waging
war against the sovereign nation of Macedonia and its
civilian population from his base in Prizren in
Kosovo, Ahmeti reportedly found time to appear on an
Australian radio broadcast and announce the launching
of a Liberation Army of Chameria in Northern Greece,
claiming he already had fighters and weapons in place
When questioned about this, the latest plan for his
decades' old project for a Greater Albania, he denied
it - but then Ahmeti has denied a number of things in
his lifetime. 
Had he been asked about his clandestine meeting with
American OSCE representative Robert Frowick in mid-May
of this year - a meeting held in Ahmeti's headquarters
in Kosovo with Macedonian ethnic Albanian political
leaders, and cabinet ministers, Arben Xhaferi and Imer
Imeri - he might well have denied that also, except
that Frowick himself didn't deny that it occurred. In
a feature in the London Times on March 19, 2001,
"Albanians Insist Their Victory Is Inevitable," writer
Anthony Loyd, commenting on the NLA in Macedonia, had
this to say about Mr. Ahmeti's antecedents:
"Intelligence reports name four main figures,
including Ali Ahmeti and Emrush Xhemajii, as leaders.
Both men owe their political allegiance to the Popular
Movement for Kosovo, the LPK, which set up the KLA in
1993 and created the Homeland Calling funding scheme
among Albanians abroad. The scheme still exists and
funding for the NLA has been launched, say diplomats."
But his record as an ethnic separatist goes back
farther than 1993. Though born in what is now the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, he attended the
University of Pristina in the Serbian province of
Kosovo in 1981, where he was active in pan-Albanian
agitation and was arrested by federal authorities
He subsequently left for Switzerland, where he joined
up with his uncle, Fazli Veliu, to set up an
international operation to raise funds and recruit
fighters for insurrections in Kosovo and elsewhere; an
operation that several investigations establish was
funded by narcotics trafficking and the European sex
slave trade. 
On this score the German newspaper Die Welt reported
in March, in an article about the Albanian mafia, that
the NLA in Macedonia was indeed funded by the drug
trade and by a "war tax" levied on ethnic Albanians
living abroad. 
Ali Ahmeti and Fazli Veliu (the second arrested on
terrorism charges in Germany last year, but released
shortly thereafter) are identified as key ringleaders
in the crime syndicate/armed insurgency collaboration.
Ahmeti, after leaving Switzerland for the first time,
returned to Yugoslavia to help found the so-called
Kosovo Liberation Army, as noted above, and appears to
be the key liaison between the fighters on the ground
and the Transatlantic ethnic Albanian gun-running and
recruitment operation feeding the first with
personnel, funds and weapons. 
In the past twenty six months since NATO-led KFOR
forces occupied Kosovo, with their KLA adjuncts in
tow, Ahmeti - who during the fighting had been a
commander for the infamous war criminal Ramush
Haradinaj - returned to Kosovo where he set up
operation in Prizren. 
It was there, and recall that Ahmeti claims to be a
citizen of Macedonia concerned about alleged "civil
rights" in that nation, that he met with the heads of
Macedonia's two largest ethnic political parties, the
Democratic Party of Albanians and the Party for
Democratic Progress, under the auspices of U.S. OSCE
operative Robert Frowick. 
It may also have been in Prizren, if not in Skopje
itself, that, according to the Skopje newspaper
Makedonija Denes, Ahmeti met with former NATO head and
current European Union foreign affairs chief Javier
Solana, with Kosovo Protection Corps commander and war
criminal Agim Ceku, and with KLA commander Haradinaj.
According to a Yugoslav Tanjug account of the
Macedonian paper's story, "It was agreed that Solana,
currently visiting Macedonia, bring pressure to bear
on the Macedonian government to halt the government
forces' operations for liberating Aracinovo village
near the capital Skopje" - the site of the U.S.-led
rescue of a hundred or more NLA fighters shortly
Although Ahmeti recently made it on to the U.S. black
list and is also persona non grata in Switzerland of
late, his movements in and out of Kosovo, surely known
to if not coordinated by NATO's KFOR contingent, seem
blissfully unimpeded. 
Lastly, to reflect on both Human Rights Watch and on
its dear Mr. Ahmeti, five days before Holly Cartner's
ever so reverential letter was issued, Ahmeti's
terrorists ambushed and killed eight Macedonian
security personnel. 
Ahmeti told a Reuters reporter after the incident
that, "Our soldiers acted in self-defense." And no
doubt, in his mind and in Ms. Cartner's, according to
Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions relating to
"internal armed conflicts" and to "humanitarian law." 
For the above crime was not mentioned in the exchange
between Dear Mr. Ahmeti and Holly Cartner.. 

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