
Times On Line
February 28, 2003,,3-594124,00.html

World News 
Spain begs President to restrain Rumsfeld
>From Roland Watson in Washington and David Charter in Madrid
PRESIDENT BUSH has been told to muzzle Donald Rumsfeld, his provocative
Defence Secretary, if he wants to ease European misgivings about war
with Iraq. 

José María Aznar, the Spanish Prime Minister, spoke for many European
diplomats and officials, including the British, when he delivered the
message while staying at Mr Bush’s Texas ranch last weekend. 

“I did tell the President that we need a lot of Powell and not much of
Rumsfeld,” said Señor Aznar, referring to Colin Powell, the US
Secretary of State. “Ministers of Defence should talk less, shouldn’t
they? The more Powell speaks and the less Rumsfeld speaks, that
wouldn’t be a bad thing altogether.” 

Señor Aznar is the first leader to voice publicly what many Europeans
supportive of confronting Baghdad feel strongly in private: that Mr
Rumsfeld has made their diplomatic work much harder. 

The Spanish leader is thought to have been particularly perturbed by Mr
Rumsfeld’s recent comparison of Germany’s “do nothing” approach to
Saddam Hussein with that of Libya and Cuba, two countries on the US
State Department’s list of sponsors of state terrorism. 

European officials blame Mr Rumsfeld’s acerbic goading and
confrontational style for deepening splits between Washington, Paris
and Berlin that could have been resolved without either side losing

At the critical diplomatic juncture over Iraq in recent weeks, Mr
Rumsfeld angered France and Germany by dismissing them as “old Europe”.

“He’s deepened suspicions overseas and made it much harder to get
people on side,” one diplomat said. 

Mr Bush, intensely loyal to everyone on his team, has given no public
indication that he intends to rein in Mr Rumsfeld. The veteran
politician, 70, who is the youngest and oldest man to serve as US
Defence Secretary, is very much his “own man”, and won cult status for
his daily televised briefings during the Afghanistan war. 

The White House is clearly concerned at the divisions that its pursuit
of Saddam Hussein has exposed between the US and some of its oldest
allies in Europe. When Mr Bush and Señor Aznar met last weekend, Mr
Bush asked for ideas about how the US could heal the strained

Mr Blair was due to arrive in Madrid last night for a working dinner
with Señor Aznar before a joint press conference this morning. 

US diplomat quits 

A US diplomat who has served abroad for more than 20 years has quit in
protest at President Bush’s “fervent pursuit of war with Iraq”. John
Brady Kiesling, 45, political officer in Athens, faxed his resignation
to Colin Powell, the Secretary of State, saying that the US policy on
Iraq “is driving us to squander the international legitimacy that has
been America’s most potent weapon of both offence and defense since
Woodrow Wilson”. 

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