
[To become 'NATO interoperable....']

March 4, 2003

Poland will likely sign deal to buy F-16 combat jets
with Lockheed Martin by end-April  

-Poland picked Lockheed Martin's offer of 48 F-16 jets
at the end of December over Anglo-Swedish BAE
Systems/Saab's offer of Gripen plans and Dassault's
offer of Mirages. The Americans put forward an offset
worth USD 9.8 bln....

Warsaw. (Interfax-Europe) - Poland is likely to sign
the main deal to buy 48 F-16 combat jets at end- April
instead of at end-February, as earlier planned, due to
problems negotiating the compensatory offset deal
offered by Lockheed Martin, the supplier of the jets,
Polish Deputy Defense Minster Janusz Zemke told
reporters Tuesday (February 25). 

"We have the main agreement about the purchase of the
F-16s and ammunition ready to sign. But work on the
offset agreement is still going on and we think that
from Poland's point of view it is better to sign all
agreements on the same day. We have until the end of
April for that," Zemke said. 

The minister added that the government would have only
60 days to negotiate the offset deal -- which is
designed to compensate Poland for the USD 3.5 bln
price tag by channeling investment into the economy --
if it signs the main agreement. 
The offset deal is required for the main agreement to
be valid, according to Polish law. 

Poland picked Lockheed Martin's offer of 48 F-16 jets
at the end of December over Anglo-Swedish BAE
Systems/Saab's offer of Gripen plans and Dassault's
offer of Mirages. The Americans put forward an offset
worth USD 9.8 bln, though the Polish commission
overseeing negotiation of the offset program have
revised this amount to USD 6.2 bln. 

Zemke said in December that if the agreement with the
winner of the tender fails to be signed, talks would
be started with the runner-up, namely, BAE/Saab. Zemke
said the Anglo-Swedish group prolonged the validity of
its offer to the end of June. 

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