
Japan Today
Tues, Mar 4, 2003

Japan to decide soon on evacuating embassy in Iraq

TOKYO - The government will decide on the evacuation of staff at the
Japanese Embassy in Iraq in a few days since the weapons crisis there
may further escalate, a senior Foreign Ministry official said Monday.

The timing of the evacuation will be finalized after assessing debate
on a new draft resolution submitted to the U.N. Security Council by
the United States, Britain and Spain and reviewing the progress in
the evacuation of Japanese nationals in Iraq, the official said.

The Japanese government apparently believes the use of force against
Iraq is unavoidable, thus leading it to consider the withdrawal of
embassy staff.

The draft resolution, which could pave the way for the use of force
to disarm Iraq, says Iraq is in breach of Security Council Resolution
1441, which requires the country to rid itself of weapons of mass

The Security Council will debate whether or not to adopt the
resolution after U.N. chief weapons inspector Hans Blix presents his
latest report to the council on Friday.

At least two Japanese diplomats from the Japanese Embassy in Jordan
are stationed at the embassy in Baghdad by rotation.

On Feb 14, the Japanese government advised Japanese nationals in Iraq
to leave the country immediately.

However, a total of 56 Japanese nationals, including embassy staff,
journalists and members of nongovernmetal organizations are in Iraq
as of Monday, according to the ministry.

About 10 Japanese belonging to citizens' groups have said they will
remain in Iraq to act as "human shields" even if the U.S.-led
military strike starts. The ministry is now trying to persuade them
to leave.

Meanwhile, the government also plans to issue an advisory by the end
of this week to Japanese nationals in Kuwait and the Khafji area of
Saudi Arabia to leave those two countries immediately, ministry
officials said.

A similar advisory for those in Israel is likely to be issued next
week, the officials said. 

(Kyodo News)

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