
[Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have
heard that a half million children have died. I mean,
that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you
know, is the price worth it? 

Ambassador to the U.N. Madeleine Albright: I think
this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think
the price is worth it.]
Agence France-Presse
March 3, 2003 

Albright: Bush Should Hold Off on Iraq 

WASHINGTON - Former Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright urged President Bush on Monday to wait longer
before attacking Iraq, saying current pressure was
forcing Baghdad to disarm. 

Albright, who addressed a conference on increasing the
number of women in politics, said the buildup of
military force in the Middle East has led to new
inspections and Iraq's decision to dismantle its
outlawed Al Samoud 2 missiles. 

"We are actually accomplishing something," said
Albright, secretary of state under President Clinton.
"The president should take credit for the fact they
are disarming." 

As an alternative to war, she suggested more intrusive
inspections and even the threat to destroy suspected
weapons facilities that the government refuses to open
to U.N. personnel, the way U.S. and British pilots
attack missile sites in the Iraqi no-fly zones. 

"The momentum seems to be moving in the direction of
war," Albright said. "We might get the war over, but
we night not get the postwar over." 

She said there has been increased anti-American
feelings overseas in response to Bush's Iraq policy.
"There must be some way to do what we wanted without
alienating everybody," she said. 

Albright said her concern about going to war does not
mean any support for Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. "I
think Saddam Hussein is a terrible dictator," she
said. "There's nothing to defend about him. I pity the
Iraqi people." 

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