
1) One American Killed, Three Injured In Philippine
Airport Blast
2) Philippine Explosion Leaves Uncounted Dead
3) Quarter Of A Million Left Homeless Because Of
Fighting In Southern Philippines

One American killed, three injured in southern
Philippine airport blast 

MANILA, March 4 (AFP) - One American was killed and
three other US citizens were injured in a bomb blast
Tuesday that hit Davao airport in the southern
Philippines, a US embassy spokesman said.

"I am sad to say that one of the four Americans
injured in the explosion has died in hospital,"
spokesman Ronald Post told AFP.

He said he could not give further details, including
their identities.

Nineteen people were killed and more than 100 others
injured in the powerful blast that struck a shed
outside the Davao airport terminal.

New explosion hits bus terminal in southern

DAVAO, Philippines, March 4 (AFP) - A loud explosion
ripped through a bus terminal in the southern
Philippine city of Davao on Tuesday just minutes after
a deadly bomb attack at the city's airport, police

"An explosion rocked a bus terminal in Ecoland, we
have no reports of casualties yet," said a police
official, asking to remain anonymous.

Police said they were investigating if the explosion
at the bus station was connected to the earlier blast
at Davao's international airport, which left at least
16 dead and many others wounded.

Nearly quarter million displaced by southern
Philippines fighting 

MANILA, March 4 (AFP) - Nearly a quarter million
people were displaced by fighting between government
troops and Muslim separatists in the southern
Philippines last month and remain fearful of returning
home, officials said Tuesday.

Government officials plan to declare the area of the
Liguasan Marsh on Mindanao island a de facto
demilitarized zone to entice the displaced residents
to return, members of President Gloria Arroyo's
cabinet told a joint news conference.

The military mounted a major offensive in the area in
mid-February to pursue kidnappers and terror bombing
suspects allegedly being sheltered by the Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF), the country's largest Muslim
separatist guerrilla force. The fighting left nearly
200 people dead.

"The total number of families affected is 40,153 and
the total number of individuals is 214,000," Social
Welfare Secretary Corazon Soliman told the press

Twelve of the 101 government-run shelters put up by
the government for the displaced had since been closed
down, but the centers remain packed and 12 people had
died due to various diseases, she added.

Some families have attempted to return home, but they
experienced after a day or two harassment from
elements of the 12,500-member MILF and other armed
groups operating in the area, specifically the
Pentagon kidnap gang, Soliman said.

"They (gunmen) would fire at the (pro-government
militia) detachments and or the Army detachments, so
what happens is they (residents) go back to the
evacuation centers," she added.

The MILF has rejected a ceasefire and has since
launched sabotage attacks, blacking out 90 percent of
the island last week by blowing up power transmission

Jesus Dureza, a presidential assistant and peace
negotiator with the MILF, said the Arroyo cabinet
decided at a meeting Tuesday that parts of the
Liguasan Marsh, including the towns of Pikit,
Pagalungan and Pagagawan in central Mindanao to be
declared a "zone of peace".

"We will move out our troops from the population
centers and we'll just be in the periphery to secure
and try to make sure that there will be no further
intrusions from any armed groups," added armed forces
chief of staff General Dionisio Santiago.

Police would enter the population centers only to
prevent criminal activities, he said.

Asked if the government would ask the MILF to
cooperate, Dureza said: "I'm sure cooperation from the
MILF will be good, a welcome development if we
can. "But the government is determined to take the
initiative in pushing for this because we feel that
this is the right thing to do for our people in the

Dureza said the government is attempting to restart
stalled peace talks with the MILF, which has been
waging a 25-year campaign to set up an Islamic state
in the southern third of the mainly Roman Catholic
Philippine islands.

"Efforts are being (made) to link up with our
facilitators which are Malaysia and Libya," he said
without elaborating but referring to two countries
which have acted as intermediaries in peace talks with
the MILF in the past.

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