
Turkish army says it favours letting in US troops 

-The government asked parliament to approve the
deployment of 62,000 US troops in Turkey and the
dispatch of Turkish forces to northern Iraq in
preparation for a war, but MPs narrowly voted down the
motion on Saturday.

ANKARA, March 5 (AFP) - The influential Turkish army
Wednesday threw its weight behind the deployment of US
troops in Turkey, saying Ankara would otherwise lose
both US financial aid and a say in shaping post-war

"The position of the Turkish armed forces is the same
as that of the government," chief of staff, General
Hilmi Ozkok, told reporters.

The government asked parliament to approve the
deployment of 62,000 US troops in Turkey and the
dispatch of Turkish forces to northern Iraq in
preparation for a war, but MPs narrowly voted down the
motion on Saturday.

"Unfortunately, our choice here is not between good
and bad, but between bad and worse... If we do not
participate, we will suffer the same war damage, but
it will never be possible to compensate for them and
have a say after the war," Ozkok said, reading from a
prepared statement.

Parliament's stunning decision dealt a major blow to
US plans to open a northern front against Iraq and
jeopardized a multi-billion-dollar aid package that
Washington had promised in exchange for Turkey's

"We thought that because of a northern front, the war
would be shorter, the suffering would be less, there
would be no unexpected developments and fewer people
would die," Ozkok said.

The general stressed that the army fully respected
parliament's decision, but hinted it might pose risks
to Turkish security interests.

Turkey, which suspects Iraqi Kurds of entertaining
separatist ambitions, wants to send troops into
Kurdish-held northern Iraq to keep the enclave under
control, in cooperation with the United States.

Kurdish self-rule in the region, Ankara fears, could
encourage separatism among its own Kurds in adjoining
southeast Turkey.

"All that I wish now is that the stance we chose in
order to avoid a war, will not force us to undertake
certain acts at the expense of confronting the warring
parties," Ozkok said.

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