
1) West To Bring Kazakh Oil, Through Possible Undersea
Pipeline, To Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Line Into Europe
2) US State Department Special Adviser: Azeri And
Kazakh Energy Reserves Larger Than Forecast
3) Georgia Allows US Warplanes To Use Its Airspace

Construction of Caspian-Mediterranean oil pipeline set
to begin in April 

-Townsend was speaking to reporters after meeting
officials from Kazakhstan's state oil company, which
hopes that by linking the Caspian with Turkey's
Mediterranean coast the pipeline will reduce Kazakh
dependence on Russia as an export route.
-Initially oil will be transported across the Caspian
by ship from Western Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan's
capital Baku, but some have suggested a pipeline could
also be built between the two countries under the
landlocked Caspian.

ALMATY, March 11 (AFP) - Construction of a pipeline
which will bring oil from the Caspian Sea region to
Western markets will begin in April despite Russian
objections, the pipeline's owners said on Tuesday.

"The construction of this will go ahead. The principal
markets will be Europe and America," said Michael
Townsend, director general of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
(BTC) pipeline consortium.

Townsend was speaking to reporters after meeting
officials from Kazakhstan's state oil company, which
hopes that by linking the Caspian with Turkey's
Mediterranean coast the pipeline will reduce Kazakh
dependence on Russia as an export route.

Russia has expressed bitter opposition to the BTC
pipeline because it would break Moscow's monopoly on
oil exports from the Caspian.

The row is the latest development in a struggle
between Russia and Western governments over control of
the Caspian Sea's massive oil and gas reserves,
believed by some experts to rival those of the Gulf.

As Townsend held talks in the Kazakh city of Almaty,
US interest was voiced by Steven Mann, advisor on
Caspian Sea energy issues to President George W. Bush,
after he met Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in
the capital Astana.

"We reviewed the discussions that are taking place ...
on creating an export route to bring Kazakih oil into
the Baku-Ceyhan system," Mann told journalists.

"Those discussions are going extremely well as we have
the participation of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan and of
those companies that are engaged."

Initially oil will be transported across the Caspian
by ship from Western Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan's
capital Baku, but some have suggested a pipeline could
also be built between the two countries under the
landlocked Caspian.

Georgia initially opposed construction of the BTC
pipeline across its territory on environmental grounds
but has now given its consent.

BTC pipeline is owned by private and state investors
including the Azeri state and a number of companies
involved in oil extraction in Kazakhstan.

Of the anticipated 2.95-billion-dollar
(2.66-billion-euro) construction cost 70 percent will
be paid in the form of loans by the International
Monetary Fund, the European Bank of Reconstruction and
Development and other banks.

March 11, 2003

Azerbaijani and Kazakh Caspian reserves larger than

Astana. (Interfax) - There is more oil in the
Azerbaijani and Kazakh sectors of the Caspian Sea than
forecast, the U.S. State Secretary's special advisor
on Caspian energy issues Steven Mann announced on
Tuesday in Astana. 

Mann said in particular that reserves were higher than
forecast in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian. For
example, one well at the Azeri-Chirag-Gyunashli group
of fields is producing 20,000 barrels of oil per day,
which is extremely high figure. 

Mann said that with time figures forecast for the
Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea would be also higher.

As for the Northern Caspian, every month and every
year there are more and more new discoveries enabling
us to suppose that oil reserves in Kazakh structures
will increase during the course of the exploration, he

Russian Information Agency (Novosti)
March 11, 2003


TBILISI, March 11, 2003. /From RIA Novosti corr./ -
Zurab Chankotadze, head of Georgia's civil aviation
administration, confirmed on Tuesday that a US
military plane flew over Georgia on March 7, as some
of the Russian media reported the day before. In an
interview with RIA Novosti, Chankotadze noted that
"there is nothing surprising" about the use of
Georgia's airspace by US warplanes. According to him,
"US military planes have been flying regularly over
Georgian territory since an anti-terrorist operation
was launched in Afghanistan in the autumn of 2001."
Americans in particular "use certified air corridors
for flights to Afghanistan and Cyprus, with some of
them passing through Georgia," he explained. 

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