
15:00 Ministar inostranih poslova Goran Svilanovic potvrdio je da su se SAD obratile 
vlastima Srbije i Crne Gore u vezi sa medjunarodnom akcijom presecanja mreze zastite 
bivseg lidera bosanskih Srba Radovana Karadzica koja je zapocela prosle nedelje 
blokiranjem racuna i aktivnosti Momcila Mandica, vlasnika firme ManCo. 'Prosle nedelje 
je americki ambasador u Beogradu doneo pismo koje sadrzi informaciju americke vlade o 
tome sta su oni odlucili da ucine kako bi se presekli kanali Karadzicevog 
finansiranja. U tom kontekstu, pomenuli su neke firme i imena i sugerisali da nasa 
vlada sa svoje strane ucini koliko moze, kako bi eventualno sprecila to finansiranje', 
rekao je Svilanovic.

Goran Svilanovic, Serbia-Montenegro Foreign Minister, confirmed rumors that USA has 
advised Serbia-Montenegro administration about the international campaign they 
launched last week in order to disable the network providing protection for former 
leader of Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karadzic. 'Last week, US ambassador to Belgrade handed 
in the letter explaining measures US government has undertaken in order to cut off 
channels financing Karadzic. We were asked to do as much as we could and assist 
international efforts to prevent financing of Karadzic,' Svilanovic said.

14:50 Naoruzani policajci pretresaju automobile u centru grada i na svim prilazima 
Beogradu dok su svi letovi sa Beogradskog aerodruma blokirani.
Strong police forces have blocked all access to Belgrade and are searching nearly all 
vehicles, including city buses. All departures from the Belgrade Airport have been 


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