
World - AP Europe 
Vatican Becomes Anti-War Rallying Point 
Wed Mar 12, 2003  

By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer 

VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II and top Vatican officials are
unleashing a barrage of condemnations of a possible U.S. military
strike on Iraq, calling it immoral, risky and a "crime against peace." 

The unwavering stance has made the pope one of the most visible
opponents of war in current circumstances, and a rallying point for
peace groups and politicians who seize on his words counseling against
war. Even those supportive of a U.S.-led strike, including the prime
ministers of Britain, Spain and Italy, have recently lined up to see
him, aware of his leadership role. 

President Bush, who has rarely met with opponents of his Iraqi stand in
recent months, did receive an emissary from John Paul last week. Upon
returning to Rome, the emissary, Cardinal Pio Laghi, said American
officials had been friendly but that "friendship is not enough." 

The next day, as he began a week of Lenten prayers, the pope said he
will "bear in mind the needs of the Church and the concerns of all
mankind, above all for peace in Iraq and the Holy Land." 

The stance reflects what experts say is the Vatican's evolving position
on just war, already seen by its opposition to the Gulf War, as well as
concern about the impact of war on relations between Christians and

"He is looking ahead for the rest of this century where
Christian-Muslim relations are key to peace and religious freedom in
Africa and many parts of Asia," said the Rev. Thomas Reese, editor of
the Jesuit magazine America. 

John Paul has insisted that war is a "defeat for humanity" and that a
preventive strike against Iraq is neither legally nor morally

Aides have repeatedly said the pope is not a pacifist, pointing to his
support of humanitarian intervention to "disarm the aggressor" in
Bosnia and East Timor and his repeat condemnations of terrorism
following the Sept. 11 attacks. 

But in some of the Vatican's strongest language against a possible war,
its foreign minister Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran said a unilateral
military strike would be a "crime against peace" with no justification
on grounds of self-defense. 

Vatican officials have also spoken of what they consider are the
political realities of an American attack on an Arab country. 

"We want to say to America: Is it worth it to you? Won't you have have,
afterward, decades of hostility in the Islamic world," asked the
Vatican's No. 2 official, Cardinal Angelo Sodano. 

The Vatican has been the center of diplomacy. 

John Paul sent an envoy to meet with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein last
month and received Iraq's deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz. 

Bush, a Methodist, has sought to court Catholic voters, who made up a
quarter of the electorate in 2000. 

Although no top U.S. official has traveled to Rome to discuss Iraq with
the Vatican, prominent conservative American Catholic, Michael Novak,
came to help make the case that war is justified. "Humans of good will
disagree," Novak said after his meetings. 

Novak, in Rome under the State Department's public speakers program,
did take issue with criticism of U.S. policies from some Vatican
sources, including a Jesuit magazine close to the Vatican that
suggested that the U.S. was acting out of economic and political
motives, not an attempt to disarm Saddam. 

The Vatican has long been stung by the accusation that Pope Pius XII,
the World War II pope, failed to raise his voice to head off the
Holocaust, an allegation the Vatican rejects. 

Without drawing a direct parallel, Cardinal Roberto Tucci told Vatican
Radio last week that the pope's efforts for peace have been recognized
by the non-Christian world. 

"No one can ever say that the pope didn't do enough," Tucci said. 

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