
World -
Wed Mar 12, 2003 
AUSTRALIA: Gov't Rocked by Resignation of Anti-War Official
by Bob Burton,Inter Press Service 

CANBERRA, Mar 12 (IPS) - The Australian government has been stunned by
the resignation of one of its senior intelligence analysts who argues
that, based on U.S. and other intelligence information he has seen,
there is currently no justification for a war on Iraq. 

''I'm convinced a war against Iraq at this time would be wrong. For a
start, Iraq does not pose a security threat to the U.S., or to the U.K.
or Australia, or to any other country, at this point in time, former
Office of National Assessments intelligence analyst Andrew Wilkie said,
announcing his resignation late on Wednesday evening. 

''I just don't believe that a war at this time would be worth the
risk,'' he said. 

A critical factor behind Wilkie's resignation was claims made by U.S.
Secretary of State Colin Powell to the U.N. Security Council purporting
that a link exists between al-Qaeda and Iraq. ''As far as I'm aware
there was no hard evidence and there is still no hard evidence that
there is any active cooperation between Iraq and al-Qaeda,'' Wilkie
told Australia Broadcasting Corp (ABC) television. 

Three years ago, Wilkie, the 41-year-old career military officer, was
seconded to the Office of National Assessments, which prepares
briefings for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet from a wide
range of intelligence sources. 

Wilkie has worked on global terrorism and transnational issues
including Afghanistan and the likely humanitarian consequences of a war
on Iraq. 

Wilkie describes his resignation as the ''biggest decision I think I've
ever made in my life'' but felt compelled to act by what he thought is
the prospect of a high risk of a humanitarian crisis from any U.S.-led
attack on Iraq. 

''I don't believe I could stand by any longer and take no action as
this coalition marches to war. I think the interests of the thousands
of people, perhaps tens or even more, tens of thousands of people or
even more who could be injured, displaced or killed in a war, I think
their interests is more important,'' he said. 

The director general of the Office of National Assessments, Kim Jones,
sought to downplay the significance of Wilkie's resignation. ''The
officer concerned was a member of our transnational issues branch. He
normally worked on illegal immigration issues. The transnational issues
branch does not deal with issues related to Iraq,'' Jones said reading
from a statement. 

Speaking to journalists in Jakarta late Wednesday evening, Minister of
Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer, also sought to dismiss Wilkie's
resignation. ''Mr Wilkie has come to the view that he doesn't support
the Australian government's policy, and I think in those circumstances
he's done the honorable thing and resigned.'' 

As one of the few ex-military officers that work at Office of National
Assessments, Wilkie was identified as one of the people that would work
in the national intelligence watch office if a war in Iraq eventuated.
In preparation for that role he had access to all intelligence
information flowing into the agency on the topic. 

Only hours before Wilkie's resignation, Prime Minister John Howard
sought to justify Australia's support for the U.S. war on Iraq on the
basis of countering groups like al-Qaeda. 

''To me, the ultimate nightmare of the modern world is that chemical
and biological weapons will get in to the hands of terrorists, and
believe me, they will use them. They will not care about the cost they
do to the countries against, or the peoples against which they are
used,'' Howard said in Sydney. 

Wilkie believes that a war on Iraq may well turn out to be
counter-productive. ''In fact, a war is the exact course of action most
likely to cause Saddam to do exactly what we're trying to prevent. I
believe it's the course of action that is most likely to cause him to
lash out recklessly, to use weapons of mass destruction and to possibly
play a terrorism card,'' he said. 

Wilkie hopes that his actions will force Howard to rethink its
unquestioning support for a unilateral strike against Iraq. ''If my
action today and over the next couple of days, if it can make the
Australian government rethink its position, and maybe take a more
sensible approach to developing its policy on Iraq, I think it's been
worthwhile,'' he said. 

In the wake of mass rallies in mid-February in which well over half a
million citizens publicly demonstrated against the war, Wilkie's
resignation has demonstrated the depth of concern amongst the normally
conservative ranks of the intelligence and foreign affairs

Former Office of National Assessments analyst and now the head of the
Global Terrorism Center at Monash University, David Wright Neville,
believes there is great concern about Howard's policy in intelligence
and military circles. 

''Speaking to former colleagues, former contacts both in the Office of
National Assessments and other elements of the intelligence community,
(there) are widespread concerns that are similar to Andrew's about the
direction in which the Government is taking us,'' he said. 

With opposition to Australia's deployment of 2,000 personnel to the
Middle East growing, opposition political parties and the peace
movement sense that Howard is now becoming electorally very vulnerable.

An opinion poll commissioned by the public relations company that works
for the Labor Party and released on Wednesday revealed that 59 percent
of Australians oppose a unilateral attack on Iraq. However, a
U.N.-endorsed attack was supported by 64 percent of the 1,000 people

According to opposition foreign affairs spokesman, Kevin Rudd, Wilkie's
resignation ''torpedoes the credibility'' of Howard. 

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