
Reuters. 13 March 2003. Anti-war Americans launch 48-hr talkathon in

BERLIN -- A group of Americans based in Berlin launched a 48-hour
talking marathon on Thursday to voice their opposition to a U.S.-led war
against Iraq.

The 30-40 people delivered speeches, recited poems and sung at the
planned site of the future U.S. embassy next to the landmark Brandenburg
Gate at Berlin's former east-west border.

"A number of German papers and the New York Times are so ready to call
any German who is against war as ungrateful and anti-American. Well, we
are Americans and we are against war. It is the U.S government in my
opinion that is anti-American," said Ann Wertheimer, an English lecturer
from New Jersey.

"Americans against the War" is a loose grouping who have marched in
peace demonstrations in Berlin and others who responded to an advert in
local newspapers.

"We want to show people that we're not all trigger-happy and that Bush
does not speak for us all," said Keith Hill, an 18-year-old exchange
student from Stone Mountain, Georgia.

The group say their action is a filibuster, an extended speech or debate
used to prevent a vote, timed to coincide with negotiations at the
United Nations over a new Iraq resolution expected to carry on through
the weekend.

It will feature readings of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, the
Emancipation Proclamation and the United Nations Charters and speeches
from former U.S. presidents the group feel reflect human rights and
anti-war beliefs.

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