
[Those who know Zemun, know that it is a popular city, inhabitants are essentially 
workers (or unemployed workers) of modest condition, it is in this area that one of 
the most spectacular police operation against "crime" took place today in front of 
cameras and photographs.  I have got news from the Zemun area that people were really 
wondering if these bastards at the governement would ALSO go after those "criminals" 
of the Surcin area. If we give some credit to Seselj, whom I don't like so much for 
his political ideas though, the DOS people will probably not bother go to Surcin, ya 
know, for a simple, and enjoy your self -  as a conclusion, today, they 
gave EU and USA a great show...but the truth is that they are in a panic and pissing 
in their trousers, if you ever phone there, don't be astonished if ya hear clicks and 
short interruptions,  repeated twice just in case you have not got it clear, while 
your are discussing the situation with your serb counter part, that's only DOS or/& 
mafia (pleonasm) monitoring your conversation.]
Calls for Boycotts Could Throw Serbian Presidential Runoff into 'Anarchy'
By Jolyon Naegele

With the second round of Serbia's presidential elections on October 13, there is 
growing concern that voter turnout will fail to surpass 50 percent, the minimum needed 
for the elections to be declared valid. RFE/RL reports that boycotts by candidates who 
failed to make it into the runoff could lead to what Yugoslav President Vojislav 
Kostunica terms "chaos and anarchy." 
BELGRADE, Oct 07, 2002 -- The specter of yet another Yugoslav government crisis looms 
amid calls for voters to boycott the 13 October presidential-election runoff. A 
minimum of 50 percent of registered voters plus one must vote for the election to be 
declared valid. 

Turnout was just 55.5 percent in the first round on 29 September. 

Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica took first place with nearly 31 percent of the 
vote. Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Miroljub Labus took second place with 27.4 
percent. Ultranationalist Vojislav Seselj came in third with 23.2 percent of the vote 
and is now out of the running. 

Kostunica's and Labus's current posts will disappear with the replacement in a few 
months of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by a new common state to be known as 

Seselj yesterday became the latest candidate to call on voters to boycott the runoff 
because of what he alleges were irregularities. "Due to all the political 
circumstances that emerged in Serbia's presidential elections, we as the leadership of 
the party have decided in consultation with our district and local election committees 
that the Serbian Radical Party is boycotting the second round of the presidential 
elections in Serbia," Seselj said. 

Seselj has toned down his virulent anti-Croatian, anti-Bosniak, and anti-Albanian 
language in favor of concentrating on dissatisfaction with belt-tightening by 
denouncing presidential candidate Labus, a leading economic reformer. "Miroljub Labus 
is a spy, a criminal, a mafioso, and traitor. Miroljub Labus is a candidate of the 
[Surcin] mafia. Miroljub Labus is the personal candidate of Zoran Djindjic," Seselj 

Djindjic is prime minister of Serbia, an economic reformer and Kostunica's chief 
day-to-day rival in determining the political direction Serbia should follow and the 
degree of economizing that is tolerable. Labus has dismissed the allegations. 

Seselj said he cannot back Kostunica because Kostunica is the "main culprit" behind 
bringing DOS to power in Serbia and putting Djindjic and Labus in office. DOS, the 
Democratic Opposition of Serbia, was the 18-party opposition coalition that defeated 
Slobodan Milosevic two years ago and that has ruled Serbia ever since. Kostunica's 
Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) has quit the coalition. Earlier this year, DOS 
replaced DSS parliamentary deputies with representatives of other DOS member parties. 

During the first round of voting on 29 September, pollsters determined that 12 percent 
of voters had no intention of voting in the runoff if their candidate failed in the 
first round. That number may be far larger now, however, as a result of Seselj's 
calling on his bloc of 800,000 voters to invalidate the elections by boycotting the 
second round. 

At least two other parties also will say they will boycott the second round. 

For his part, Kostunica said he is convinced he will win and is urging the public to 
vote in the second round because Serbia needs a president. He said that if one is not 
chosen, Djindjic's government, which he says has practically abolished parliament by 
expelling his party's deputies, would gain control over the executive and legislative 
branches. "One should participate in the elections so that Serbia does not 
definitively descend into chaos and anarchy, as well as so that the EU-mediated 
constitutional charter [replacing Yugoslavia with Serbia-Montenegro], admittance to 
the Council of Europe, and negotiations on a stabilization and association agreement 
with the EU are not delayed indefinitely. But there is one more reason. Instability in 
Serbia would lead to instability in the Balkans, I think above all by Albanian 
extremists in Kosovo, southern Serbia, and Macedonia," Kostunica said. 

Asked by RFE/RL to clarify what he meant by Albanian extremists taking advantage of 
the situation, Kostunica backed off and said: "I was talking about Serbia, but this 
applies anywhere. Any instability can have an effect on [the situation of] others, on 
Kosovo, Albania, or Macedonia, and so on. That's clear, in the sense that any state -- 
not just Serbia -- should be firm, have institutions, a strong legal order, and deal 
with organized crime," Kostunica said. 

Kostunica said he wants to be a president for all of Serbia's citizens and that every 
vote is respected and welcome. He noted that he participated in an unsuccessful 
boycott of the 1997 elections, which failed in its attempt to unseat Milosevic. 

Professor Srdjan Bogosavljevic heads a Belgrade-based polling institution called the 
Strategic Marketing & Research Institute. He disagreed in part with Kostunica's 
analysis. "Not to elect a president is a democratic process that would lead in the 
next round to greater motivation, a better campaign, [and] more political arguments 
for electing a president. It won't result in anarchy and chaos, but it will result in 
political instability," Bogosavljevic said. 

He predicted such instability will lead to early parliamentary elections in a year or 

Bogosavljevic said Kostunica's image as an honest, respected leader resonates across a 
broad spectrum of voters, from ultranationalists to pro-European reformers. He said 
Kostunica's serious appearance does not hurt his standing, since, "Not a single 
politician has ever succeeded here by smiling." 

In contrast, he said, the market reformer Djindjic, due to what Bogosavljevic said is 
his arrogance and lack of empathy with a poverty-stricken country, leaves few voters 
feeling neutral -- either you support him or you oppose him. 

Labus, who is not officially a DOS candidate, has an image problem. A large share of 
non-DOS voters are indifferent toward him. His opponents, in a bid to turn this 
indifference into opposition, constantly warn voters that a vote for Labus is a vote 
for Djindjic. As a result, Labus is unlikely to be able to increase his support in the 
second round, in contrast to Kostunica, who will probably get more votes in the second 
round but not necessarily enough for the elections to be declared valid. 

New elections would have to be organized at a later date. 

Bogosavljevic noted one other aspect of a failure to elect a president in the second 
round. The current president of Serbia, Milan Milutinovic, whose term expires at the 
end of this year, might remain in office. Once he retires, Milutinovic loses his 
Serbian immunity from prosecution by The Hague tribunal, where he has been indicted 
for war crimes. 

Branislav Kovacevic heads a regional pro-democracy party in central Serbia, the 
Kragujevac-based Coalition for Sumadija, and is a member of DOS's ruling council. He 
favors Labus over Kostunica, whom he perceives as a nationalist. Kovacevic said the 
public is inadequately informed about the election. "The citizens don't know all the 
subtle differences that exist between the candidates, and they are not informed. So 
they vote according to sympathies rather than rational arguments. That's the main 
reason that the candidates got as many votes as they did," Kovacevic said. 

But Kovacevic and Bogosavljevic reject suggestions that the strong showing for Seselj 
in the second round represents a swing to the right, since Seselj received the 
standard bloc of 800,000 votes he and his Serbian Radical Party have always received. 

The difference this time was low turnout, which meant that his bloc of faithful voters 
appeared relatively stronger.

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