----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 2:19 PM

As events inexorably pick up speed over the coming hours, it may help to remember that ultimately the bourgeois always can be depended upon to drop the mask of consensus and democracy whenever their vital interests are threatened.  This simple fact seems to be lost on many within the western "peace movement" and its hangers-on.  Let's hope they grow up, and soon. 
Following is a brief resume of this weekend's events by Adolfo Olaechea, perhaps the most prescient writer on our present fascism, and, more urgently, what we can do to hasten its undoing.
Louis Godena
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:36 AM

At the onset of the AFGHANISTAN crisis, which is the most direct predecessor of the present one, Justice International issued the following slogans and called upon the people of the entire world to unfold their strategy and tactics and face up to the looming disaster by developing the widest united front and fighting:


These are not capricious words taken like rabbits out of a hat. These are slogans based on a scientific analysis of the rich experience of the  people's movement through the centuries, in its unflinching struggle for democracy, peace among nations, and justice for the people in the world.

Some well meaning but politically naïve people and some who tend to resemble nothing more than "Talmudists" chanting the texts of 19th and 20th Century Classics such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc., in particular, have belittled and sought to deny our definition of the present phenomenon.

Nevertheless, the phenomena manifesting itself on the historical stage today, is clearly one in which the most reactionary circles of imperialist capital have assaulted power and are garnering further "emergency powers" by various means in a desperate attempt to buttress an unjust system they fear is about to collapse. Taking advantage of "11/9" in the same manner as Hitler of the burning of the Reichstag, they seek world dictatorship while seeking to unload their crisis onto the shoulders of the labouring masses of the entire world.

This New Fascism is pursuing unbridled (unrestrained by law or any other democratic consideration) terrorist dictatorship. It expresses itself by means of war abroad and violent repression at home respectively.

That is why this phenomena, which marks another edition of attempted world domination by the monopolists of capital, is correctly defined by Justice International as a NEW form of fascism. A narrow based fascism - and that "narrowness" is one of its main differences with the old fascism, which actually was much more broadly influential on the masses and was in itself a "mass movement".

This is a narrow based fascism that, moreover, avails itself of the ragged mask of an eviscerated democracy and dresses itself up in the patrician toga of its already ineffectual and castrated institutions, Parliament, the Judiciary, etc., in order to deceive the masses.

At the ideological level, it embraces the phraseology of human rights (basically in its blatant "property rights" interpretation), presenting itself as the "condescending saviour" and the providential liberator of the lesser, helpless and tyrannised peoples of the subject nations, in order to enslave them more closely to their own direct control.

If anyone would need now graphic confirmation of this truth, it is enough to cast an eye over the Atlantic this weekend and observe the Azores Islands and the political strands gathered there at the Orwellian "Peace Summit" of the warmongers.

And what can be observed amid the balmy beaches and the palm trees draped with the chauvinist symbols of these big imperialist states? An axis of three "providential" leaders. One, Jose Maria Aznar, the direct and legitimate heir of Franco and his Falangists and Blue Legions in Spain.

The second, the current representative of the Oswald Moseley (Moseley was originally a "leftwing" Labour MP) tendency within the social-chauvinist British Labour Party, a starry eyed infantile admirer of the military muscle and the chic of the "iron man of destiny" posturing of the third and central figure: The overall "Fuhrer of the Free World", a fundamentalist zealot who can give Osama bin Laden a clear run for his money in promoting the slaughter of nations under the pretext of "holy war" against "satanic foreign leaders".

In GW Bush, a man who - unlike Osama bin Laden - actually has in his buccaneer hands the levers of power of the greatest juggernaut of war, industry, commerce and financial capital the world has ever seen - the New Fascism has met its "Fuhrer Prinzip", while in Tony Blair, Bush has his Mussolini. Aznar, the Vidkun Quisling of Spain, just has to be true to himself and his Generalissimo to fit in like a glove and thus complete the family picture!

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