
AP. 17 March 2003. U.S. Woman Killed by Israelis Is Mourned.

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Within hours of being crushed by an Israeli bulldozer,
Rachel Corrie became a martyr and hero for the peace activists of her
home town.

Candles burned and bitter tears flowed as several hundred people
gathered Sunday evening in a waterfront park in this small liberal city.

Mourners held photocopied pictures of Corrie, 23, a student at Evergreen
State College in Olympia who died Sunday in Gaza while trying to stop
the bulldozer from tearing down a Palestinian physician's home.

The caption under the picture displayed by the mourners was
"Peacemaker," while a hand-lettered banner read: "Rachel, your courage,
your spirit of resistance and your joy for life will inspire us always
to stand for peace and justice."

Mourners put flowers on a mock coffin draped with a Palestinian

Her friends called on the United States to stop aiding Israel and avoid
war in Iraq.

"Rachel shouldered the responsibility that her government would not
bear," said Krissy Johnson, 24.

"She was killed by a bulldozer paid for by U.S. tax dollars. In her
name, we say: Stop the killing."

Craig Corrie and his wife, Cindy Corrie, said they knew their daughter's
mission was dangerous but said she was old enough to make her own

"I've raised my children to be independent and make their choices,"
Cindy Corrie said. "And I know that I couldn't tell her not to go."

"We were very proud of her," said Craig Corrie.

"We're very proud of her courage and what she stood for." The parents
had moved to Charlotte from Olympia a couple of years ago.

Corrie was already a committed peace activist when she arrived at
Evergreen State, said Larry Mosqueda, one of Corrie's professors and a
fellow activist.

"She was concerned about human rights and dignity," he said.

"That's why she was there."

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