
War For Hegemony, Not Justice
Praful Bidwai

Rediff (India)
March 18, 2003

-This is clearly the world's most unpopular war. It is
sending tremors through governments and ruling
-In a Delhi middle class sample polled by MODE for The
Hindustan Times, 87 percent of people say war on Iraq
is not justified, and only five percent say India
should offer military support to the US. It's a safe
bet that people in other Indian cities, and villages,
also share this view. The time has come for the
government to reflect this in policy and action -- and
for millions to join the global movement for peace.


Just last month, the Blair government flagrantly
plagiarised an article from an academic journal and
claimed it was based on reliable British intelligence
and offered irrefutable proof of Iraq's involvement in
global 'terrorism.' The intention was to paint Iraq in
the darkest of hues -- to justify war. 

Now, it turns out that the Anglo-American allegations
about Iraq's attempts to purchase uranium from Niger
are also based on crude forgery. The International
Atomic Energy Agency compared the letterheads and
signatures on the documents submitted to it, with the
authentic originals from the Niger government and
declared them fake. 

On March 7, IAEA Executive Director Mohammed
El-Baradei also declared there is no evidence of
Iraq's pursuit of illegal nuclear activities. He
examined the aluminium tubes, about which the US been
raising a hullabaloo for months, alleging these were
used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. But he
found no such 'indications.' 

Thus, some of the critical 'evidence' cited for
claiming that Iraq has weapons or capabilities of mass
destruction remains uncorroborated even after
thousands of inspections at more than 3,000 sites.
After UNMOVIC chief Hans Blix's report certifying that
Iraq has undertaken a 'substantial measure of
disarmament' and that Baghdad's recent cooperation can
be 'seen as active or even proactive,' it's just
impossible to construct a plausible case for war. As
Mr Blix put it: 'We are not watching the destruction
of toothpicks. Lethal weapons are being destroyed.'

Yet, it is on this far-from-credible, indeed flimsy,
factual ground that the US is plunging into war. By
the time these lines appear, an invasion of Iraq may
well have begun. The US has dropped lakhs of leaflets
over Iraq, telling its soldiers to desert the army.
Nearly 300,000 US and British troops are already in
the Gulf. If Washington and London cannot muster nine
votes (out of 15) for their amended 'second
resolution,' they may bypass the Security Council and
rush into war any time (Note: This column was written
before that happened on Monday).

The moral case for such war is simply non-existent.
According to the theory of just wars, any use of force
must be premised upon the exhaustion of all other
means and on military necessity. The goals of war must
themselves be just. Force must not be excessive or
disproportionate, nor indiscriminate. None of these
conditions is fulfilled in the present case. What
lacks even a casus belli (rationale for war) cannot be
a war for justice. It can only be a war to establish
the hegemony of a particular state, a Hyperpower,
which has utter contempt for much of the world in
whose name it speaks.

So, how does Mr George W Bush rationalise war? First,
he justified it as a means to disarm Iraq of WMD.
Next, he said that Mr Saddam Hussein is a terrible
tyrant who has gassed his own people; hence, a 'regime
change' is imperative. And now, he declares: 'I will
not leave the American people at the mercy of the
Iraqi dictator… if we need to act, we will act. And we
really don't need the UN approval to do so… When it
comes to our security, we really don't need anybody's
permission.' Mr Bush hysterically ranted on March 7:
'My job is to protect America, and that is exactly
what I'm going to do… I swore to protect and defend
the Constitution; that's what I swore to do. I put my
hand on the Bible and took that oath, and that's
exactly what I am going to do.' He cited 9/11 eight
times in his press conference.

There is something seriously wrong here. For one,
there's no link whatever between Iraq and 9/11. For
another, his three rationales are mutually
contradictory. And for a third, it's altogether
preposterous to claim that Iraq 'threatens' America
and the threat cannot be deterred or contained except
by war. Nobody in their right mind can believe that a
badly impoverished, sanctions-battered, half-broken,
Iraq with its rusty weapons and its crude Al-Samoud 2
missiles (with a range of barely 150 to 180 km and
without even a guidance system) poses a military
threat to the US from a distance of 8,000 km!

Mr Bush's case for war is reduced to the pathetic
tune: 'that man tried to kill my Dad.' America's real
war objectives have to do with oil, Israel, and Islam
-- or re-making the Middle East by promoting 'moderate
Islamist' (read, pro-US) regimes. They also derive
from a vaulting ambition to dominate the world. The US
misrepresents this war as a war of necessity, when
it's a war made out of choice. It's also fighting a
war against another state, although it has since 9/11
said its priority is war on non-state terrorism, a
much more diffuse adversary. This confusion on the
nature of war could cost the US dearly in the long

The US, with its overwhelming military clout, will
easily win the war. But winning the peace is another
matter. Dismantling the Iraqi State will probably
unleash uncontrollable forces in a country already
divided between a Kurdish North, a 60 percent Shia
majority in the South, and minority Sunnis ruling at
the centre. This will send shockwaves through three
key countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan. These
societies are in deep turmoil and boiling with
discontent against rulers who are seen as despotic and
servile to the West. Heightened strife here won't be
controlled militarily. It is liable to take on a
largely irrational, religious-fundamentalist form and
incite more Al Qaeda type networks. This will not only
infuse poison into the Middle East and South Asia.
Ultimately, it will make the Americans themselves more
vulnerable and insecure.

That's one reason why US establishment figures like
former president Jimmy Carter, former secretary of
state Warren Christopher and countless former generals
oppose war. The New York Times too has spoken out
against it. These leaders warn against the damage a
war would cause to the United Nations, and to the US's
own alliance system. Even former national security
adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski recognises that the US is
now isolated as never before. America has exerted
enormous pressure on a number of states, including the
six uncommitted Third World countries which are on the
Security Council, to build what it calls a Coalition
of the Willing, when it is in fact a Coalition of the

However, it can count barely 30 members -- out of the
globe's 190-odd states. Not even one major state has
joined the US-UK-Spain alliance in recent weeks.
Turkey has defied Washington by refusing to station
American troops -- despite the offer of $30 billion
and half of Iraq's territory. For the past month, not
even one of the 'Middle Six' 'fence-sitters' has
declared support for the 'second resolution.' The US
needs five of their six votes, and no veto, if its
resolution is to go through. But Pakistan has decided
to abstain, and Chile, Guinea and Cameroon seem
intractable. [the US, UK and Spain decided on March 17
to withdraw their draft resolution seeking the United
Nations Security Council's authorisation for war on

This is clearly the world's most unpopular war. It is
sending tremors through governments and ruling parties
-- witness Labour in Britain where MPs and ministers
are revolting [Robin Cook, leader of the British House
of Commons, resigned from Tony Blair's cabinet on
March 17]. It's also a war which was opposed for
months before it began -- for altruistic reasons
inspired by the most elevated standards of morality.
War will produce utter devastation for the
long-suffering people of Iraq. Already, some half a
million children have perished because of the
sanctions imposed on this country of 23 million. 

Countries like India can contribute to the global
anti-war effort. But the Vajpayee government is
reluctant, being tempted by the offer of crumbs from
Iraq's post-war reconstruction, and afraid of annoying
the Americans. At the March 10 all-party meeting, Mr
Vajpayee opposed a Parliament resolution on Iraq. He
even refused to commit India not to provide military
help to America. But on March 12, he suddenly departed
from the prepared statement and declared India stands
for peace, and totally opposes external aggression to
effect a regime change. He also said the weapons
inspectors should be given more time and warned
against 'puppet regimes:' 'If a change has to come
about, it should be done by the people of that
country, not an outside power…' 

In the UN, New Delhi's vacillating stand has further
softened despite Mr Blix's March 7 report, which
demand the argument for war. The official position
admonishes Iraq to offer 'immediate, active and
unconditional cooperation' to UNMOVIC, but is silent
on the US' unreasonable conduct. No wonder US
Ambassador Robert Blackwill told The Hindu (March 4)
that he is 'satisfied' with India's position.

This must change. New Delhi should take a harmonised
stand based on sound moral principles,
multilateralism, and informed public opinion. In a
Delhi middle class sample polled by MODE for The
Hindustan Times, 87 percent of people say war on Iraq
is not justified, and only five percent say India
should offer military support to the US. It's a safe
bet that people in other Indian cities, and villages,
also share this view. The time has come for the
government to reflect this in policy and action -- and
for millions to join the global movement for peace.

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