--------------------------- (Russia)
March 18, 2003

Political scientists move to protect Iraq from Kremlin

-According to the authors of the anti-war declaration,
the United States is initiating a regional armed
conflict that will have negative consequences for the
entire world, including Russia. 
-“Today, there is no crisis of international law, but
there is a lack of goodwill in implementing laws, and
also legal nihilism, which has been increasingly
practiced by the US administration recently.” 
-Saddam Hussein’s political regime “cannot be used as
justification for such actions against Iraq that break
a decades-old system of norms and principles of
inter-governmental relations and send the world back
to barbarism, with its tendency to solve problems by
-"A war in a manifestation by the US of its
messianic role, the demonstration of a new world order
in action.” 
[A] War in fraught with a new wave of
regional conflicts, the prospect of new wars and
lowering the nuclear threshold, which could bring the
world to the brink of a third world war. 

Nineteen leading political scientists of Russia
adopted a joint statement calling on the Kremlin to do
everything possible to avoid a war in Iraq, including
the use of its veto powers at the UN Security Council.
In fact, the scientists accused the Kremlin of playing
a double game and attempting to negotiate significant
economic concessions from the US in return for loyalty
on the Iraq issue. 
There are well-informed and influential analysts among
the authors of this document, which adds weight to it.
This statement takes on added significance in light of
reports about consultations on Iraq that the head of
the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin,
held with his American counterparts. Vyacheslav
Nikonov of the Politika Foundation, known for his
close ties with Russian authorities, has said recently
that Russia should not use its veto power on the new
Iraq resolution at the UN Security Council. 

For their part, Mr. Nikonov’s opponents believe that
Russia should support the Franco-German boycott of
America to the end and under no circumstances should
it help Washington get UN authorization for use of
force against Iraq. According to the authors of the
anti-war declaration, the United States is initiating
a regional armed conflict that will have negative
consequences for the entire world, including Russia. 

In their statement, the scientists pointed out that
the UN Security Council was the only body empowered to
decide whether there was a threat to global security
and what measures should be taken by the international
community to solve the problem. “Today, there is no
crisis of international law, but there is a lack of
goodwill in implementing laws, and also legal
nihilism, which has been increasingly practiced by the
US administration recently,” it is said in the
statement. According to the document, Saddam Hussein’s
political regime “cannot be used as justification for
such actions against Iraq that break a decades-old
system of norms and principles of inter-governmental
relations and send the world back to barbarism, with
its tendency to solve problems by force”. 

“A war in Iraq, which is being launched by George W.
Bush’s administration, in defiance of the position
adopted by most members of the international
community, including even some traditional US allies
in NATO, is a manifestation by the US of its messianic
role, the demonstration of a new world order in
action,” the statement says. It is clear that a war in
Iraq will lead to negative consequences, global and
irreversible, of which the most dangerous will be a
deepening of the conflict between the Christian and
Muslim worlds. This is fraught with a new wave of
regional conflicts, the prospect of new wars and
lowering the nuclear threshold, which could bring the
world to the brink of a third world war. 

Russian public figures who signed the statement also
appealed to the Russian government “to hold the
American administration back from the fateful
decision”. It is only this position that will provide
a chance to maintain a Russian-US partnership, which
should serve the cause of strengthening global peace
and international security. “We hope that, at this
critical moment, Russian authorities will be able to
recognize their historic mission and make a choice in
favor of the strategic interests and values of the
Russian society and state, and do all they can to
avert the war,” it is stressed in the document. 

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