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From: "Science for Peace" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Upcoming Events - CIA & US Foreign Policy, Iraq, Bill C-36, secret trials...
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 15:50:50 -0500

From Science for Peace  
416-535-6605 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

UPCOMING Science for Peace EVENTS:

1. March 20, 6:30 pm: Video seized at border by Canada Customs to be shown March 20 on large screen. University of Toronto.

2. March 28: Free Public Forum about Secret Trials in Canada: How Democracy is Being Undermined in the Name of "Security" - Friday, March 28, 7:30 pm

3. March 27, 6:30 pm: Large screen video showing of Iraq: Then and Now and the Hidden Wars of Desert Storm at University of Toronto (details below)

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Thursday, March 20, 2003 6-30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Room 179, University College,
15 King's College Circle, University of Toronto

Free, large-screen 2-hour video (8th time!)

The video held at the border by Canada Customs is to
be shown. Come and see what all the fuss is about!


Free admission, donations appreciated

A compliation of excerpts from 10 different professional US documentaries, edited together by Frank Dorrel.

1. Public speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. (3 min) for civil rights and against the US war in Vietnam.

2. Interview with John Stockwell (6 min), former CIA Station Chief, who gives a short history of CIA covert operations and estimates that over 6 million people have died in CIA covert actions.

3. "The Secret Government" (22 min) by Bill Moyers (aired on PBS in 1987). Moyers interviews many different people involved with the CIA and other government agencies providing an overview of the CIA history.

4. "Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair" (23 min) by Barbara Trent (Pentagon, arms sale, drugs trafficking).

5. "School of Assassins" (13 min) narrated by Susan Sarandon and features Father Roy Bourgeois, talking about School of America (Fort Benning, Georgia, USA) and its graduates.

6. "Genocide by Sanctions" (13 min) produced by Gloria La Riva, features former Attorney General of the United States, Ramsey Clark, as he goes to Iraq.

7. "Genocides in Indonesia and East Timor" (4 min) by Amy Goodman, journalist and host of "Democracy Now" on Pacificašs WBAI FM Radio in New York. She is talking about two genocides Indonesia has committed. First against itšs own people in 1965, then against the people of East Timor in 1975. Both of these mass slaughters were sanctioned by the United States government and aided by the CIA.

8. "The Panama Deception" (20 min) directed by Barbara Trent. How the US attacked Panama and killed 3 or 4 thousand people in an invasion that the rest of the world was against.

9. Public speech of Ramsey Clark (7 min) 1998, Los Angeles, evening "Save the Iraqi Children". Former Attorney General of the United States tells the sorry truth about US foreign policy.

10. "The healing of Brian Wilson" (10 min), the Vietnam veteran, who Wages Peace against US foreign policies.

Presented by Science for Peace
416-535-6605 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copies of videos will be available for sale at the showing or can be ordered on line at  or by calling Global Outlook at 1-888-713-8500.

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Friday, March 28, 7:30 pm
Friends Meeting House, 60 Lowther Ave, Toronto
(two blocks north of Bedford and Bloor, near St. George subway)

Stop Secret Trials in Canada: How Democracy
is Being Undermined in the Name of "Security"

Moderator: Chandler Davis of Science for Peace


- Sophie Lamarche Harkat Sophie is working to free her husband, Mohamed Harkat, who has been held in
solitary confinement in an Ottawa prison, without charge or bail, since his arrest on International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2002. The arrest
of Mr. Harkat, a refugee from Algeria who worked on average 20 hours a day pumping gas and delivering pizzas - seems staged to show the U.S. that Canada is "serious" about security, Neither Harkat nor his attorney is allowed to see or challenge the "evidence" against him--in other words, a
secret trial.

- Amina Sherazee
Amina Sherazee is an attorney, activist, and one of Canada's leading voices against repressive federal legislation (such as the notorious C-36)

- Rocco Galati
Rocco Galati is one of a handful of Canadian attorneys who has handled CSIS "security certificate cases," and the only person ever to win one against the government.

- Matthew Behrens
A member of Homes not Bombs, which is coordinating a campaign of support for families of Canada's disappeared.

This event is part of a tour of southern Ontario which also features vents in Peterborough (Thursday, March 27 at 7 pm), Burlington (Sat. March 29 at 3:30 pm) and Hamilton (Sat. March 29 at 7:30 pm at McMaster

On the word of CSIS (the scandal-ridden Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Canada's combined FBI/CIA), the Solicitor General and Immigration Minister can have any refugee or permanent resident in Canada declared a security threat, arrested, held in jail without bail, and brought before a court in which neither you nor your lawyer knows the "evidence" against you (that is only presented behind closed doors, without a chance for rebuttal). On this case and this alone, you can be deported back to your
country of origin, where you might face jail, torture, and execution, without ever knowing why. According to the recent expose on CSIS by Andrew Mitrovica, Covert Entry, CSIS has "routinely broken the law, treating
the rights and liberties of Canadians as no more than a nuisance...[it is] riddled by waste, extravagance, laziness, nepotism, incompetence, corruption and law-breaking." There is a culture of impunity at CSIS,
whose agents often refer to a Ways and Means Act: "if you have a way to get things done, the means -- legal or not -- are justified."

Homes not Bombs has campaigned to release and then hold a fair and open hearing for Mahmoud Jaballah (the only person ever cleared from a security
certificate, who was immediately re-arrested even though CSIS admitted they had no new evidence on him), Muhammad Mahjoub (in jail since June, 2000, without charge), Hassan Almrei (in jail since 2001) and now Mohamed Harkat.

Event sponsored by Homes not Bombs, Peace and Social Action Committee of Toronto Monthly Meeting, Science for Peace, Toronto Action for Social Change, and Country Music Fans Against Racism and Repression. For info: (416) 651-5800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Thursday, March 27, 2003 6-30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Room 179, University College,
15 King's College Circle, University of Toronto

Free, large-screen videos about Iraq

Iraq Then and Now; The Unheard Voices of Iraqi Women
a film by Amira Elias(45 min, 2001)


Hidden Wars of Desert Storm: An account of America's
involvement in Iraq during the Desert Storm conflict in 1990 Produced by Audrey Brohy & Gerard Ungerman (60 min, 2000)

Free admission but donation appreciated

Descriptions of Videos:

Iraq Then and Now;
The Unheard Voices of Iraqi Women
a film by Amira Elias(45 min, 2001)

In this powerful documentary, Amira, an Iraqi Canadian living in Montreal, takes us on a journey to Iraq under sanctions. Through the journey, we
meet her family, medical experts, the ill and the poor. Some of the most heart-wrenching impressions are the visits to the hospital wards where children lie dying of malnutrition and cancer and women give birth to malformed babies-a result of 12 years of sanctions, toxic chemicals and depleted uranium used in the 1991 Gulf War. A somber portrayal of Iraqis in
the face of seemingly insurmountable crisis.
This video will be shown from 6-40 p.m. to 7-30 p.m.

Hidden Wars of Desert Storm

An account of America's involvement in Iraq during the Desert Storm conflict in 1990 Produced by Audrey Brohy & Gerard Ungerman (60 min, 2000)

On August 2nd, 1990, Saddam Hussein launched his troops against Kuwait, triggering the first major international crisis of the post-Soviet Union
era. Was the invasion really a surprise? Were all diplomatic means really utilized to try to resolve the issue peacefully? Was there any threat from
the part of Iraq against Saudi Arabia or any of the other Gulf States? W

hy wasn't Washington's rhetoric against Saddam ever matched by any real support
to the Iraqi opposition groups? What purpose can the embargo over Iraq serve if it is not to weaken Saddam, a result it has evidently failed to achieve to this day? What is behind the mysterious 'Gulf War Syndrome' that goes on affecting thousands of Gulf War veterans and local populations?

The result of a two year investigation, with documents never before seen on television and backed by interviews with the likes of Desert-Storm Commander General Norman Schwarzkopf, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, ormer UN Iraq Program Director Dennis Halliday, archival footage, and moving images recently brought back from Iraq.- "Hidden Wars" emerges as an uncommonly sober, well researched film of its type."
- The New York Times

- Grand-Prize winner at the 2000 Cine Eco International Film Festival in Seia, Portugal- Selected among the ten best documentaries at the 2000 Vancouver International Film Festival. This video will be shown from 7-40 to 8-50 p.m.

Presented by Science for Peace
416-535-6605 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copies of videos will be available for sale at the showing or can be ordered on line or by calling Global Outlook at 1-888-713-8500.

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