
Czech News Agency
December 1, 2009

Czech cabinet approves foreign military mission concept

-The Czechs would help train the Afghan armed forces in 2011-2013. Several 
Czech military helicopters will be used in the ISAF mission. Czech experts 
should also train the staff of a helicopter base.
In 2011, Czech special forces might be deployed in Afghanistan again after 
one-year break. 

Prague: The government today approved a medium-term concept of the Czech 
military missions abroad until 2013, submitted by the defence and foreign 
ministers, Martin Bartak and Jan Kohout. 

Under the document, the Czech Republic will in the years to come focus on 
Afghanistan where Czechs will help reconstruct the country, build up local 
security forces, participate in the anti-terrorist fight of special units and 
support other activities of the ISAF mission.

Czech troops will keep operating in the KFOR mission in Kosovo where their 
number will decrease.

In 2012, the Defence Ministry reckons with another mission of the Czech Gripen 
fighters protecting the Baltic countries' airspace.

Foreign missions are now being approved in one-year cycles, Bartak reminded, 
adding that this practice was not suitable in terms of planning, finances and 
possibilities of cooperation with the allies.

The Defence Ministry wants to approve missions for two years with an outlook 
for the third year in the future.

Bartak intends to submit the first concrete material in this respect to the 
Chamber of Deputies next May.

The Defence Ministry has always been able to cover the costs from its budget, 
Bartak said in reaction to a question about the way of the missions' funding.

The government today also listened to a report of the Foreign Ministry on the 
development aid to Afghanistan.

The Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) should keep operating in the 
Logar province in Afghanistan.

The Czechs would help train the Afghan armed forces in 2011-2013. Several Czech 
military helicopters will be used in the ISAF mission. Czech experts should 
also train the staff of a helicopter base.

In 2011, Czech special forces might be deployed in Afghanistan again after 
one-year break. At present they participate in the Enduring Freedom combat 
operation. In 2010 they should protect the Czech embassy.

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