
Xinhua News Agency
December 19, 2009

Colombia-U.S. military agreement provokes tension in Latin America  
by Alejandra del Palacio and Zhou Jianxin 

MEXICO CITY: The military cooperation agreement between Colombia and the United 
States that allowed the latter to expand its military presence in Colombia has 
provoked tension and controversy in Latin America, making it one of the big 
regional issues in 2009. 


On Oct. 30, Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez and U.S. Ambassador to 
Colombia William Brownfield signed the agreement, despite opposition from 
Colombia's neighboring countries. 

According to the agreement, 800 U.S. soldiers and 600 U.S. civilian contractors 
from the Pentagon or U.S. security organizations could serve at Colombian bases 
for as long as 10 years. 

The agreement also included 5 billion U.S. dollars in aid to Colombia. 
Colombia has emphasized this agreement will be an extension of Plan Colombia, 
which has used U.S. monetary aid on the fight against drug terrorism and thorny 
guerilla problems, particularly the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia 
(FARC). The guerilla group has been present in the country for more than 50 
years and the Colombian government has not been able to control it. 
[R]eaction from other Latin American countries has been largely negative, 
despite a tour by Uribe before signing the agreement in an effort to allay 
their fears. 


Since the plan emerged in July, tensions have flared in Latin American 
countries, who fear the bases will threaten their national security and 
intensify regional instability. 

Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia said the planned U.S. military deployment was 
suspiciously large for its stated purpose. 

Venezuela, bordering Colombia to the north, is the most vehement opponent of 
the plan. 

In August, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered the foreign ministry to 
prepare to sever ties with Bogota. 

Chavez said the bases were "a threat" to his country and Colombia was 
conducting "a war policy", adding that the planned agreement "could generate a 
war in South America". 

Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil asked the Union of South 
American Nations (Unasur) to intervene. 

In August, at an Extraordinary Summit in Bariloche, Argentina, many leaders of 
the 12 member countries of Unasur - Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, 
Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Ecuador - 
voiced their concerns over the intended military agreement. 

At the gathering, Chavez said he would "go to war with Colombia if the 
agreement is signed". 

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa said the planned agreement was "an issue 
that concerns all of us, because it can destabilize the region." 

Bolivian President Evo Morales asked Unasur to strongly condemn the possible 
deployment of U.S. troops in Colombian bases. 

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez expressed her concern for what she 
called "an untold and unacceptable state of belligerence" in the region. 

Fernandez told Uribe that the main problem with this issue was the lack of 
trust. "Before we can imagine reaching a consensus, we must build trust." 

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva demanded guarantees from Colombia 
that the activities of the U.S. troops in Colombia would be restricted to the 
latter's territory. 

Lula told Uribe U.S. troops had been in Colombia for more than 50 years and if 
five decades of military presence had not solved the issue of drug trafficking, 
then the efficiency of this strategy must be questioned. 

Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez said his country was against the 
establishment of foreign military bases in any part of Latin America. He said 
his country shared the need of keeping South America "as a land of peace." 
The Extraordinary Summit ended with a joint call for strengthening South 
America as "a zone of peace". 

The Unasur leaders agreed to respect each other's territorial integrity and 
promised "to establish a mechanism of mutual trust regarding defense and 
security" in the region. 

Unasur stressed that "the presence of foreign military forces cannot, with its 
means and linked resources to goals, threaten the sovereignty and integrity of 
any South American nation and, in consequence, the peace and security of the 

On Dec. 14, the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas (ALBA) strongly condemned 
the U.S. political and military activities in the region and the military 
cooperation agreement. 

The body said that U.S. military bases in Colombia imposed a great threat on 
the peace, security and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean region. 

The leaders of ALBA member countries also urged Colombia to reconsider the 
establishment of military bases. 

Morales said Latin America would be the "second Vietnam" of the United States 
if the U.S. government continued its "military aggression" in the region. 

Morales suggested that a continental referendum be held to show the region's 
rejection of the Colombia-U.S. agreement. 

Although the military deal has been signed, controversy over the issue and 
tensions caused by the agreement remain in the region. 

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