December 27, 2009

U.S.: Belgrade must cooperate with Pristina 

BELGRADE: Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, Jennifer 
Brush, said that Belgrade must cooperate with Pristina.

She said that America does not expect Serbia to recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Brush said that cooperation is necessary so that the problems that affect both 
sides can be figured out. 

She told daily Politika that she does not believe that new status talks will be 
able to be scheduled after the opinion of the International Court of Justice 
(ICJ) on the legality of Kosovo’s declared independence is given. 

As far as the eventual membership of Serbia in NATO is concerned, Brush said 
that the decision is up to Serbia to make, but that the U.S. and Alliance 
members believe that NATO membership would be good for Serbia. 

Brush said that Serbia needs to define what it means by military neutrality. 

“It is still unclear to me, personally. On one side, NATO membership gives a 
clear concept, it is an extension of multilateral relations,” she said. 

She said that the U.S. supports Serbia’s European integration, adding that the 
visa liberalization and unfreezing of the interim trade agreement were good 
things that occurred at the end of this year, and were promised by President 
Boris Tadić while campaigning in 2008. 

Brush said that relations between America and Serbia have improved and will 
continue to do so, adding that the government, President Tadic and former 
ambassador Cameron Munter had a lot to do with the improved relations. 

She also said that the visit of U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden to Serbia in 2009 
was a very significant event. 

“I believe that his visit brought a very important turnaround in our relations 
and offered new hope for stronger bilateral cooperation,” Brush said.  

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