
The National (United Arab Emirates)
December 28, 2009

US forces ‘like to kill us’
Sayed Karim

Villagers stand next to the bodies of civilians who they say were killed in a 
Nato-led attack in Laghman province on December 8. Rafiq Shirzad / Reuters

MEHTAR LAM, LAGHMAN PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN: When Hadyatullah heard gunshots near 
his home, his first thought was that they were the sound of thieves. By the 
time he realised he was wrong, the United States was at the centre of another 
storm surrounding civilian casualties.

“They like to kill us,” he said. “Even if Osama [bin Laden] is in our village 
they should not open fire. First they should inform the people, then they 
should do the mission.”

The raid in the eastern province of Laghman this month followed a pattern that 
has become sadly familiar in Afghanistan over recent years. As is often the 
case, international forces insisted militants were killed, but local officials 
and villagers claimed the dead were civilians.

Soon afterwards, hundreds of protesters chanting anti-US and anti-government 
slogans had taken to the streets and more hearts and minds appear to have been 

According to witnesses, US troops entered a number of houses near the 
provincial capital, Mehtar Lam, in an overnight operation. The victims included 
Mohammed Ismail, whose 10-year-old son, Rafiullah, described what happened: 
“When the soldiers came to our house, my father asked them, ‘Who are you?’ Then 
they shot him in the head and told us, ‘Be quiet and tell us where the weapons 

Said Ahmad Safi, a spokesman for Laghman’s governor, said insurgents had 
previously staged attacks against officials and foreign troops in the area. He 
acknowledged that 12 people – including a woman – had apparently died in the 
raid, which locals reported was carried out by US Special Forces.

“We criticise all operations that have civilian casualties,” he said, adding 
that such incidents “create a lot of space between the government and the 

This is not the first time the tactics of foreign troops have caused 
controversy in Laghman. In January, another attack by US forces in the province 
is alleged to have killed a number of civilians, a fact also disputed by the 

Discontent with the government and the occupation has inevitably fuelled 
support for the Taliban among the local population. Despite still being 
relatively secure compared with much of eastern Afghanistan, there has been 
growing rebel activity here in recent months as the insurgents edge closer and 
closer to neighbouring Kabul.

In one high-profile attack this summer, the deputy leader of the Afghan 
intelligence service was killed by a suicide bomber during a visit to the 

The latest US raid has only added to the sense that the situation in Laghman is 
starting to deteriorate markedly. When news spread that 12 civilians had 
apparently died, a second tragedy quickly occurred when a protester was fatally 
shot by local security forces.

Najib-ur-Rahman, 25, lost an uncle and a nephew in the initial incident. He 
claimed that the troops were given false information that suggested militants 
were operating in the area.

“There is one difference between the American soldiers and the Afghans. The 
Americans killed our people at night and the Afghans killed them in the day,” 
he said....
[W]ith 30,000 extra US troops due to arrive in the coming year, many of 
Laghman’s residents are worried that ordinary people will be caught up in an 
increasingly bloody war.

Gulzar Sankerwal, chairman of the provincial council, said: “The Taliban do not 
fight face to face. This is guerrilla fighting so if more troops arrive, they 
will not solve the problem. When the commander in Kabul asked Obama for the 
extra troops, he knew the USA would end up with one achievement, and that is 
more civilian casualties.”

More than 500 foreign service members have died in 2009 compared with 295 in 
2008. Meanwhile, a UN report in the summer found civilian fatalities had risen 
by 24 per cent in the first six months of the year.

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