
Xinhua News Agency
December 27, 2009

Yearender: U.S., Russia vying for bigger sway in South Caucasus  

- [T]he United States is using its strategic location to increase pressure on 
Iran and assist its operations in Afghanistan. It is also eyeing the region's 
abundant oil and gas reserves, which could help it reduce its dependence on 
energy from the Persian Gulf....Washington has gained access to the Baku 
airport for fueling stops by U.S. military aircraft and Azerbaijan's airspace 
for over flights during its war in Afghanistan...During his visit to Georgia in 
July, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden described the country as an "important 
strategic partner" and said Washington will not sacrifice Georgian interests to 
mend its ties with Moscow.  
Biden said the United States would continue to offer comprehensive support to 
the Caucasus country, including its entry into NATO. 
-Analysts noted that reconciliation between the two long-time rivals [Armenia 
and Turkey] will help Washington's strategies for Iran and Afghanistan and 
ensure the safe supply of Caspian energy.

TBILISI: The South Caucasus, a strategically important area and a key route for 
energy supplies from the oil and gas-rich Caspian Sea to Europe, has been the 
site of tougher rivalry between Washington and Moscow in the past year. 

Moves of the three Caucasus nations, include Georgia's withdrawal from the 
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), a U.S.-Georgia partnership deal and a 
landmark fence-mending accord between Armenia and Turkey, also fueled the race 
for greater influence in the region. 


Washington has long been trying to squeeze out Russian influence in the 
Caucasus nations of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia - all former Soviet 
republics - while Russia views the region as a "buffer zone" for NATO eastward 
expansion and sees the region as having a direct bearing on its efforts to 
maintain stability in its troubled North Caucasus. 

Meanwhile, the United States is using its strategic location to increase 
pressure on Iran and assist its operations in Afghanistan. It is also eyeing 
the region's abundant oil and gas reserves, which could help it reduce its 
dependence on energy from the Persian Gulf. 

Oil-rich Azerbaijan has played a central role in regional energy projects. One 
of the projects, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which runs through 
Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, is viewed by the West as an important move to 
break Russia's monopoly on oil and gas exports to Western Europe. 

Washington has gained access to the Baku airport for fueling stops by U.S. 
military aircraft and Azerbaijan's airspace for over flights during its war in 

Moscow, meanwhile, is also forging closer ties with Azerbaijan. Earlier this 
year, Russia sought to extend a lease agreement with Azerbaijan for the Gabala 
radar station and has also strengthened energy cooperation with the country. 


Russia and Georgia fought a brief war in August 2008 when Tbilisi tried to 
retake South Ossetia, which, together with Abkhazia, broke away from central 
rule in the 1990s following the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

Tensions escalated when Moscow recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as 
independent states two weeks after the conflict ended. Georgia severed ties 
with Russia in September 2008 and quit the CIS this year. 

Shortly after the war, Washington announced a 1-billion-U.S. dollar economic 
aid package for Tbilisi to help with its war relief. 

During his visit to Georgia in July, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden described 
the country as an "important strategic partner" and said Washington will not 
sacrifice Georgian interests to mend its ties with Moscow. 

Biden said the United States would continue to offer comprehensive support to 
the Caucasus country, including its entry into NATO. 

Russia's position on the issue has been vastly different. Prime Minister 
Vladimir Putin said in August that Russia intends to continue giving "total 
political and economic support to both South Ossetia and Abkhazia." 

"Russia will not permit any reprisal attempts or any repeat of military 
ventures in this region," he said. 


In October this year, Armenia and Turkey signed a historic deal on normalizing 
ties and reopening their borders. Observers said the United States has played a 
crucial role in bringing them together. 

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped mediate the deal when signing of 
the accord was delayed more than three hours by last-minute disagreement 
between the two countries over the wording of a statement. 

Turkey and Armenia have been bogged down over a century-old row over the 
killing of 1.5 million Armenians in the final days of the Ottoman Empire at the 
end of World War I. Turkey denies Armenia's charge of a genocide. 

And Turkey has sided with Azerbaijan in its territorial dispute with Armenia 
over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. In 1993, Turkey closed its borders with 
Armenia in a gesture of support for Azerbaijan. 

Analysts noted that reconciliation between the two long-time rivals will help 
Washington's strategies for Iran and Afghanistan and ensure the safe supply of 
Caspian energy. 

Meanwhile, thawing ties between Armenia and Turkey will make it difficult for 
Russia to justify its military base in Armenia as the base was allegedly 
intended to maintain stability on the Armenian-Turkish borders. 

Yet, Russia still maintains close ties with Armenia both bilaterally and within 
the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a post-Soviet security bloc which 
consists of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and 

Analysts noted that substantial improvement of ties between Armenia and Turkey 
seems likely in the near future, but the settlement of outstanding issues 
concerning the Nagorno-Karabakh region and Georgia's breakaway regions will 
take more time, and as such, the South Caucasus region will remain a focus for 
rivalry between Washington and Moscow.  

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