CNS News
January 18, 2010

Leftist Leaders Say U.S. Is Using Relief Mission As Pretext to Occupy Haiti
By Patrick Goodenough

The United States is using the humanitarian crisis in Haiti as an excuse to 
occupy the earthquake-hit island nation, two of Washington’s most vocal leftist 
critics in Latin America implied at the weekend.
To support the massive aid operation following last Tuesday’s devastating 
quake, the U.S. was set to have up to 10,000 troops on the ground or in the 
waters off Haiti by early this week
But the presence of 82nd Airborne Division troops at Port-au-Prince airport, 
Air Force C-17s ferrying in equipment, water and supplies and the aircraft 
carrier USS Carl Vinson equipped with 19 helicopters off Haiti, along with the 
news that more troops and assets including a hospital ship are on their way, 
raised suspicions in some quarters.
“What is happening in Haiti seriously concerns me as U.S. troops have already 
taken control of the airport,” Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said late 
The Nicaraguan newspaper El Nuevo Diario said Ortega accused the U.S. of 
manipulating the tragedy to install troops in Haiti. It said the comments were 
made during a meeting with a Syrian government minister.
“Haiti seeks humanitarian aid, not troops,” he said. “I hope they will withdraw 
troops occupying Haiti.”
Ortega also expressed satisfaction that members of the Bolivarian Alternative 
for the Americas (ALBA) – a left-wing regional grouping led by Venezuelan 
President Hugo Chavez – were involved in the humanitarian effort. Nicaragua 
earlier sent 31 military doctors and Venezuela has sent doctors, medicines and 
On Sunday Chavez weighed in, using his weekly television and radio show to 
question U.S. motives in Haiti, and accusing it of “occupying Haiti undercover.”
“[President] Obama, stop sending troops to Haiti, send doctors,” the official 
Venezuelan ABN news agency quoted him as saying. “Haiti does not need troops.”
Soon-to-arrive additional assets included more than 2,200 U.S. Marines onboard 
an amphibious ship, equipped with heavy lift and earth-moving equipment, a 
dozen helicopters and additional medical support capabilities, Southern Command 
Chavez and other ALBA leaders frequently allege that the U.S. is conspiring to 
bring down their governments and has plans to intervene militarily in the 
In recent months they have pointed to a U.S. agreement to use military bases in 
Colombia as supposed proof of such a plot. The U.S. and Colombia say the 
agreement is in support of counter narcotics operations in the region. It 
followed the refusal of Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa – another ALBA member 
– to renew a 10-year lease for the use of an Ecuadorian airbase for the 
anti-drug mission.

Xinhua News Agency
January 15, 2010

Nicaragua sends rescuers, military doctors to Haiti  
MANAGUA: Nicaraguan on Thursday sent 31 military doctors of the Humanitarian 
Rescue Unit (URH) and humanitarian aid for the victims of a magnitude-7 
earthquake that shocked Haiti on Tuesday. 

The Nicaraguan rescuers and doctors will assist at least some 3,000 victims of 
the earthquake in Part-au-Prince, capital of Honduras, for some 10 days. 

Before the plane took off, chief of the Nicaraguan Army, General Omar 
Halleslevens inspected the two AN-26 planes which carried the aid to Haiti. 

The 31 officers of the URH travel in one of the planes, while the other plane 
was loaded with portable beds and medicines to aid the victims in Haiti. The 
cost of this aid is of 100,000 U.S. dollars. 

Among the 31 URH officers there are experts to reestablish the electricity 
system and to provide the first aids. 

The two Nicaraguan planes will make a stop in Jamaica for later take off to 
Haiti. Haitian President Rene Preval said on Wednesday that there are at least 
some 100,000 deaths and Port-au-Prince was devastated by the strong earthquake. 

On Wednesday, Nicaraguan government spokesman Rosario Murillo announced that 
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega ordered to send two planes of the army to 
Haiti with a humanitarian brigade and humanitarian aid. 

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