Times of India
January 19, 2010

Forward, together
Robert M Gates

-[T]he security threats and challenges of the 21st century present new 
opportunities for our nations and militaries to work together in unprecedented 
ways....India can be a net provider of security in the Indian Ocean and beyond 
- making valuable contributions to stability operations across the globe. In 
many respects, that belief is at the heart of the 2005 defence framework 
agreement, which, five years in, has amply demonstrated how much our countries 
have to gain from a long-term, reliable defence relationship.  

Two years ago, during my first visit to India as the United States secretary of 
defence, I was struck by how much our relationship had improved since I was 
last in government in the early 1990s. With its dynamic free market and 
thriving democracy, India has emerged as a world power - one of the greatest 
shifts in the strategic landscape in recent memory. Our shared values and 
convergent interests form the foundation of our relationship - and have drawn 
us together even as governments have changed in our respective countries. At 
the same time, the security threats and challenges of the 21st century present 
new opportunities for our nations and militaries to work together in 
unprecedented ways. 

I arrive in New Delhi today believing firmly that we must seize these 
opportunities because the peace and security of South Asia is critical not just 
to this region, but also to the entire international community. India can be a 
net provider of security in the Indian Ocean and beyond - making valuable 
contributions to stability operations across the globe. In many respects, that 
belief is at the heart of the 2005 defence framework agreement, which, five 
years in, has amply demonstrated how much our countries have to gain from a 
long-term, reliable defence relationship. 

One of the great successes in recent years has been the increase in the number 
and complexity of joint training exercises between our militaries - exercises 
that not only increase trust and confidence, but also prepare our armed forces 
to confront security challenges that can only be solved by many nations working 
in concert. One example is the counter-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden, 
where India is working alongside the multinational naval task force. 

We have also made significant strides in developing a stable defence trade, 
most recently with India's decision to buy American transport aircraft and 
other military equipment. The US defence industry produces the best products in 
the world, and using the same platforms also enhances our militaries' ability 
to interact and communicate more effectively. 

That said, there are still more opportunities for closer cooperation that will 
allow us to share technology and increase the flow of information and 
expertise. In particular, we both have to re-examine policies dealing with 
exchanging technology. Moving forward together on certain regulatory measures 
in this area - especially those dictated by United States law - will enable 
greater levels of cooperation and provide tangible benefits for both 
governments and economies. 
Two months ago, Singh arrived in Washington for the first official state visit 
of the new US administration. In his welcoming remarks, Obama referred to the 
relationship between our countries as a defining partnership of the 21st 
century - a union between two of the world's great democracies. During my 
meetings with India's leaders this week, i look forward to solidifying these 
pillars - and strengthening a relationship indispensable to both of our 
nations' future peace and prosperity. 

The writer is US secretary of defence. 

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