
United Press International
January 19, 2010

Israel can use stockpiled U.S. arms

TEL AVIV, Israel: The U.S. Army is reportedly building up stockpiles of 
missiles, armored vehicles, artillery shells and other equipment in Israel that 
the Israelis will be allowed to use in an emergency.

The increase in the U.S. arsenal in the Jewish state now under way, reported by 
the Washington-based Defense News weekly, will reinforce support for Israel by 
the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama in the confrontation with 
Iran over its contentious nuclear program. 

That commitment was evidenced by a two-week joint air-defense exercise, Juniper 
Cobra 10, by U.S. and Israeli missile forces in October-November 2009, the 
largest exercise ever held by the two allies.

Some 1,500 U.S. personnel, along with 17 warships from the 6th Fleet, 
participated in countering simulated attacks by ballistic, medium-range and 
short-range missiles and rockets on Israel.

These efforts are also seen as an attempt by the Obama administration to 
reassure Israel that the Americans will support them in a confrontation with 
Iran - though not necessarily with combat forces....

In 2008 the Pentagon also installed a strategic long-range X-band radar system 
at Nevatim air base in the Negev Desert south of Tel Aviv. It can detect 
incoming missiles from hundreds of miles away.

At the time Juniper Cobra was being held, there were reports that the Americans 
would leave several Patriot PAC-3 air-defense systems behind once the maneuvers 

It is not clear whether they are included in the reported increase in U.S. 

The expansion of these stockpiles emerged amid a heightening of tension with 
Iran, as a U.S.-led dialogue with Tehran appeared to flounder after four months 
of tortuous negotiations that have failed to produce any concrete agreement by 
Iran to curb its nuclear program.
Any conflict that erupts will probably not be a swift exchange of airstrikes 
and missile salvoes, as many expect, but will probably drag on for weeks or 
U.S. military stockpiles in Israel may be increased further.

Israeli forces ran critically short of ordnance and military equipment in the 
October 1973 war when the Jewish state was attacked by Egypt and Syria and was 
nearly overwhelmed.

Only a major U.S. airlift ordered by President Richard Nixon saved the day.

In the 34-day 2006 war with Hezbollah, Israeli stocks of air force bombs and 
artillery ammunition were seriously depleted, almost to what the army deemed a 
critical level. 

According to Defense News, the current buildup "is the final phase of a process 
that began over a year ago to determine the type and amount of U.S. weapons and 
ammunition to be stored in Israel."

That, it added, was "part of an overarching American effort to stockpile 
weapons in areas in which its army may need to operate, while allowing American 
allies to make use of the ordnance in emergencies." 

The United States began stockpiling $100 million in military equipment in 
Israel in 1990.

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