
January 20, 2010

Afghanistan: From Bad to Worse 
By Sawraj Singh

-The American experience is not only going to be like the Russian experience, 
but will be much worse because the Russians were only fighting in Afghanistan, 
whereas America has to fight in many countries. Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia, 
Yemen; each day the list continues to be longer with no end in sight. 

The situation in Afghanistan is quickly deteriorating. Thousands of civilians, 
Afghan troops, and NATO troops have lost their lives. The casualty figure in 
the year 2009 was the highest since the war started 8 years ago. Now, there are 
100,000 NATO troops compared to 16,000 troops when the war started, but many 
Afghans feel that Afghanistan is more insecure and unstable now.  

The Karzai government has lost control over most of Afghanistan and its 
authority is limited to Kabul only. 

However, even Kabul is far from secure. Kabul has come under repeated attacks. 
The population has swelled up to more than three times because of the refugees 
coming from all over the country. The authorities are unable to provide the 
most basic necessities. The Karzai government and the warlords who were really 
ruling the country are probably the most corrupt regime in the world. The 60 
billion dollars aid to Afghanistan has been mostly usurped by this clique and 
very little has trickled down to the people. 

President Obama has decided to send 30,000 more troops. However, if raising the 
troops from 16,000 to 100,000 did not help, then how can 30,000 more troops 
help to control Afghanistan? Many times more troops will be needed to have a 
realistic chance to control the situation in that country. Even then there is 
no guarantee that they will do the job. 

The situation in Afghanistan is not isolated, but is related to the overall 
situation in the world. The Western crisis is not just an economic crisis, but 
it is a global crisis which affects all aspects of life. The West has lost the 
spirit to fight. The crisis of Western capitalism has thoroughly demoralized 
people in the Western countries. Ultimately, it is not weapons nor numbers 
which win the war, but the human factor, that means the spirit to fight, which 
decides the outcome of the war. This is the main reason that the West has not 
been able to win any major war after the Second World War. 

When we look at Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, and Yemen, then it 
becomes obvious that the anti-Western Islamic fundamentalists are gaining 
influence. In many Muslim countries, there is a growing trend of anti-Western 
sentiment among the population. In Afghanistan, more and more of the population 
is getting disillusioned with the West and the pro-Western elements in 

I feel that the outcome of the war in Afghanistan is going to be just like 
Vietnam. The West is not going to win the war. The Russians had warned the 
Americans not to get involved in Afghanistan. The Americans did not listen to 
them. The American experience is not only going to be like the Russian 
experience, but will be much worse because the Russians were only fighting in 
Afghanistan, whereas America has to fight in many countries. Iraq, Iran, 
Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen; each day the list continues to be longer with no end 
in sight. 

Dr. Sawraj Singh is Chairman of Washington State Network For Human Rights, and 
Chairman of Central Washington Coalition For Social Justice.

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