The Times (London)
January 21, 2010

British Ambassador in Kabul Mark Sedwill tipped for Nato civilian role
Tom Coghlan 

The British Ambassador in Kabul, Mark Sedwill, is expected to be confirmed in 
the coming weeks as the Nato Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, in a move 
designed to improve the international reconstruction effort in the country.

Although reorganisation of Nato’s military structure under General Stanley 
McChrystal over the past year is seen as having produced an efficient command 
structure, multiple civilian agencies continue to pursue often contradictory 
development agendas, according to Western officials.

“General McChrystal has been wanting this new appointment for a long time,” one 
Western diplomat said. “Currently you have a UN special representative, a US 
ambassador, a European Commission Representative, a variety of Afghan-Pakistan 
envoys, various other embassies, the aid agencies. To be honest you need 
someone just to co-ordinate the US State Department and Department of Defence.”

Although the role is not new it is expected that Mr Sedwill will be have 
greater influence than his predecessors.

He is well regarded by his American counterparts and has a close relationship 
with General McChrystal, the commander of Nato forces. The Times understands 
that Karl Eikenberry, the US Ambassador, wanted the position but it was decided 
that it would put the US in too dominant a position across the international 

A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office declined to confirm or deny 
the appointment.
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