Czech News Agency
January 22, 2010

Czechs, British present chopper overhauled for NATO needs

Prague: Czech deputy defence minister Jan Fulik and Ann Taylor, British 
Minister for International Defence and Security, on a visit to Prague, today 
presented a Mi-171S helicopter overhauled for the needs of NATO with the help 
of Britain. 

Britain provided certain parts within the chopper modernisation. The Czech 
military has had five its helicopters overhauled for tens of millions of euros 
altogether. They are to serve NATO which is short of transport helicopters, 
Fulik said.

Three of them have already left for Afghanistan.

The project was partly financed from NATO´s helicopter initiative fund.

Fulik said the modernisation project will be a model for the initiative´s other 
members to follow. He named Hungary in this connection.

The relevant orders for Mi chopper modernisation in former Soviet bloc 
countries has been sought by a consortium led by Czech state-owned Letecke 
opravny Malesice (LOM) aircraft repairer.

Taylor today said Britain has provided a pilot to the Czech military to help it 
train Czech helicopter pilots.

She said Britain will keep its advisory and training team in Vyskov, seat of 
the Czech Defence University in south Moravia, in spite of the budget troubles 
London has faced due to the economic crisis.

The British team has operated in Vyskov since 2000.

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