Focus News Agency
January 25, 2010

British troops face five more years in Helmand 
London: British troops will have to fight the Taleban for another five years, 
according to a leaked draft of the communiqué that will conclude the London 
conference on Afghanistan this week, The Times reads today.

Participating governments are also expected to agree to bribes totalling 
hundreds of millions of pounds which will be paid to leading insurgents in the 
hope that they will stop fighting. 

The controversial plan is likely to anger relatives of British soldiers killed 
by the Taleban in Helmand province. 

Last night the MoD said that a 251st serviceman had died, while the most senior 
US commander in the war zone predicted that the violence would get worse before 
it got better. 

Gordon Brown, the host of the summit which begins on Thursday, will present the 
plan for stabilising Afghanistan. It foresees a bloody endgame, with Afghan 
forces only gradually taking on their rightful role over several years. 

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